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Simplified Taxation System: To Save the Small Business in Lockdown Conditions in Ukraine
Rudyk N. V.

Rudyk, Nataliia V. (2020) “Simplified Taxation System: To Save the Small Business in Lockdown Conditions in Ukraine.” Business Inform 11:361–370.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The value of small business for the economy and the need to stimulate it in lockdown conditions remains an unchanged position both at the level of the scientific community and at the level of public administration. The situation with the pandemic not only complicated the conditions of functioning of small and medium-sized businesses (hereinafter referred to as SMEs), but also justified the need for its support as a non-alternative measure for stabilization of the unemployment rate in the country, the possibility of effective operation and self-reliance at local levels of the budget system, specially, local budgets. The status and conditions of SME functioning, its importance in the structure of local budget revenues are researched. Changes in the tendencies as to the volumes and structure of tax revenues of local budgets are defined. The dynamics of tax revenues to local budgets is analyzed in order to determine the budget-forming taxes. The key factors of influence on the revenue part of local budgets are systematized as follows: economic, political and legal, demographic, socio-cultural. The emphasis is placed on modern trends in the functioning of SMEs, financial relations between the State at the level of local budgets and SME entities. The analysis of the implementation of plans and the planned task of tax revenues to local budgets is carried out and the value of small businesses in the structure of sales of products is determined. The dynamics of financial results before taxation of small enterprises is determined, which substantiates their higher productivity and maneuverability in the conditions of instability. A study of the dependence between the level of tax revenues to local budgets from a single tax and the productivity of small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs proves the author’s position on the need to use a simplified taxation system as a measure to preserve the viability of small businesses in lockdown conditions in order to stabilize the economy at the local level. The importance of SMEs in the employment structure in terms of enterprises by their size proves the need to stimulate entrepreneurship in the face of global instability.

Keywords: small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), simplified taxation system, single tax, local budgets, the State support.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Rudyk Nataliia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance named after V. M. Fedosov, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy.
Ofitsiinyi sait Ministerstva finansiv Ukrainy.
Rudyk, N. V. “Neobkhidnist podatkovoho kontroliu maloho ta serednyoho biznesu“ [The Need for Tax Control over Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 4 (2019): 186-192. DOI:
Rudyk, N. V. “Perspektyvy sproshchenoi systemy opodatkuvannia dlia ukrainskoho biznesu“ [Prospects for a Simplified Taxation System for Ukrainian Business]. Suchasni instrumenty upravlinnia korporatyvnymy finansamy. Kyiv: KNEU, 2019. 769-772.


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