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Use of Information Technology in Countering COVID-19
Tymoshenko O. V., Kotsiubivska K. I.

Tymoshenko, Olena V., and Kotsiubivska, Kateryna I. (2020) “Use of Information Technology in Countering COVID-19.” Business Inform 11:263–268.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article focuses on the urgent problem of analyzing the possibilities of using information and communication technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the main directions of ICT implementation are outlined to mitigate the negative impact and counteract COVID-19; measures aimed at increasing the availability of digital life for Ukrainian society are proposed. It is concluded that enterprises that actively use and implement cases of digital transformation were more ready for coronavirus reality than those that perceived digitalization critically. The article analyzes the «digital» response of the leading countries of the world to solve problems related to the spread and neutralization of negative consequences from COVID-19. The carried out analysis allows to state that most countries have made significant efforts to inform the population about coronavirus disease, while in Ukraine the informing of citizens was insufficiently prompt and timely, and measures require careful planning and support from public authorities. The authors propose measures aimed at mitigating the negative impact and counteracting COVID-19, which provides for the following steps: making national strategic decisions to optimize results as a follow-up of the current global COVID-19 pandemic; further support at the State level of national, regional competition programs for the development of IT startups aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of COVID-19; organization of online hackathons to find digital solutions to counter pandemics; development of regulatory levers of the State support for domestic enterprises that implement IT tools; organization of the State-controlled educational projects to increase the level of digital literacy of Ukrainian society.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, lockdown, COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Tymoshenko Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Founder, Educational platform «4People» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kotsiubivska Kateryna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Employee, Project Office, Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (8/10 Esplanadna Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Okuliary dlia vyiavlennia virusu ta symptom-trekery Covid-19: desiat startapiv, shcho vynykly zavdiaky pandemii“ [Virus Detection Glasses and Symptom Trackers Covid-19: Ten Startups Caused by the Pandemic].
Konrad, Dzh. “Startapy pid chas COVID-19: yak smertelnyi virus daie poshtovkh novym tekhnolohiiam ta kompaniiam“ [Startups During COVID-19: As a Deadly Virus Gives Impetus to New Technologies and Companies].
Tymoshenko, O. V. “Vyklyky i zahrozy chetvertoi promyslovoi revoliutsii: naslidky dlia Ukrainy“ [The Problems and Threats of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Consequences for Ukraine]. Biznes Inform, no. 2 (2019): 21-29. DOI:
“U Mintsyfry anonsuvaly try instrumenty dlia borotby z koronavirusom“ [The Ministry of Education and Science Has Announced Three Tools to Combat the Coronavirus].
“Tsyfrova adzhenda Ukrainy 2020 (versiia 1.0). Hruden 2016“ [Digital Agenda of Ukraine 2020 (Version 1.0). December 2016].
“Tsyfrovi tekhnolohii dlia protydii COVID-19“ [Digital Technologies for Counteracting COVID-19]. Daidzhest no. 4 (April 20-30).
Yurchak, O. “COVID-19: Tsyfra v kryvomu dzerkali“ [COVID-19: The Number in the Curved Mirror].
Truman, O. “COVID-19: Digital Challenges for Businesses - Slow Networks and Productivity Issues Emerge as Top Tech Troubles“.
“QI Xiaoxia. How next-generation information technologies tackled COVID-19 in China“.
Leichman, A. K. “30 Israeli medical innovations to fight coronavirus“.


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