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A Classification of Factors Influencing the Level of Innovative Support for Sustainable Development of Enterprises
Sekirozh Y. V.

Sekirozh, Yaroslav V. (2020) “A Classification of Factors Influencing the Level of Innovative Support for Sustainable Development of Enterprises.” Business Inform 11:249–256.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article determines that a systematic approach to the classification of factors influencing the level of innovative support for sustainable development of enterprises is characterized by a comprehensive assessment of the identification of various objective factors. Knowledge of these factors, the ability to identify their impact on the innovative support of the enterprise can influence the level of application of a systematic approach under the influence of dominant factors, to create an effective mechanism for managing them. Since each indicator reflects a certain economic category and is formed under the influence of certain economic and other factors, the factors are hypothetical reasons that affect a number of indicators under analysis. In this sense, economic factors such as economic categories, which are reflected in the indicators, are objective in nature. It is concluded that the list of factors influencing the level of innovative support for sustainable development of the enterprise is always individual and depends on the internal capabilities of the enterprise to counteract the factors of potential threat. External factors characterize the general conditions of deterioration, but with proper management, perfect organization and qualified decision-making, the company has the opportunity to avoid negative impact on the level of innovation support for sustainable development of the enterprise, despite the significant impact of the external environment. It is specified that a bankruptcy situation is largely due to internal reasons, and primarily ineffective management. All other causes are the result of errors and ineffective managerial decisions. However, these classifications are not constant, they change over time, in particular depending on the stage of the life cycle of the market product.

Keywords: innovation support, influence, enterprise, level, indicator, efficiency, sustainability, development.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Sekirozh Yaroslav V. – Assistant, Department of Economics and Management, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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