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The Unmanned Passenger Aerial Vehicles with Electric Propulsion in Ukraine – Perspectives of Employment
Bielashov Y. V.

Bielashov, Yevhenii V. (2020) “The Unmanned Passenger Aerial Vehicles with Electric Propulsion in Ukraine – Perspectives of Employment.” Business Inform 11:152–157.

Section: Economics of Transport and Communications

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.47:338.246.2

The article explores the issue of institutional provision for the employment of unmanned passenger aerial vehicles with electric propulsion (urban electric aerial vehicles) in Ukraine. The use of such vehicles is considered a promising direction in the development of urban air transport, able to unload traffic bottlenecks of the transport system in megacities. Among the main factors that favorably distinguish urban electric aerial vehicles from traditional air transport are: safety, economic efficiency, quietness, environmental friendliness and low requirements for related infrastructure. Preparations for large-scale use of urban electric aerial vehicles are currently being carried out in Germany, the USA, South Korea and the city of Dubai. The analysis of the advantages and possibilities of using urban electric aerial vehicles is provided; the history of development and the current status of this transport type is carried out. Despite the fact that the first samples of urban electric aerial vehicles are only being tested, there is already a significant competition in this market. Among the main developers of this class of aircraft one can single out the companies EHang (PRC) and Lilium GmbH (Germany). The article reviewes legislative requirements for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles with electric propulsion in certain countries of the world. Borrowing this experience can be useful for Ukraine due to the lack of terminological definition of such a class of vehicle in the natonal legislation; uncertainty of the conditions of their operation and safety measures; lacunas in the existing classification of unmanned aerial vehicles, which does not provide for the existence of programmable aerial vehicle, the control of which does not require a special control station located outside the vehicle, or vehicles that carry out programmable flight. In order to eliminate existing lacunas in Ukrainian legislation, measures have been developed, the implementation of which will allow the use of unmanned passenger aerial vehicles with electric propulsion and will contribute to the further development of air transport in Ukraine.

Keywords: unmanned passenger aerial vehicle, Ukraine, institutional provision, electric motors, electric aerial vehicle.

Bibl.: 13.

Bielashov Yevhenii V. – Chief Specialist, Department of Sectoral Economy, The National Institute for Strategic Studies (7a Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

Trimble, S. “Lilium Jet plans flight tests for electric VTOL prototype“.
“Lilium celebrates successful flight tests of world's first electric VTOL jet“.
“Ehang 184 Specifications“.
“EHang Partners with Dubai RTA to Boost Smart Transport“.
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Karpenko, O. “Po sledam Amazon: «Novaya pochta» testiruyet dostavku dronami“ [In the Footsteps of Amazon: New Mail is Testing Drone Delivery].
“Dostavka dronom: v Ukraine kvadrokopter vpervyye dostavil pitstsu“ [Drone Delivery: In Ukraine, a Quadrocopter Delivered Pizza for the First Time].
Yarovaya, M. “V Kiyeve poyavilis drony-posylnyye - pervyy gruz uzhe dostavlen“ [Delivery Drones Have Appeared in Kyiv - the First Cargo Has Already Been Delivered].
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[Legal Act of Russia] (1997).


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