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Forming a Conceptual Model of the Enterprise’s Strategic Analysis Based on the System-Dynamic Approach
Saukh I. V.

Saukh, Iryna V. (2019) “Forming a Conceptual Model of the Enterprise’s Strategic Analysis Based on the System-Dynamic Approach.” Business Inform 9:321–327.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 330.101.542:338.48

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation for application of the method of systemic dynamics in the studies on the strategic analysis of enterprise and the formation on this basis of a conceptual analytical model, followed by an evaluation of its constituents. It is proven that, for objective reasons, modern models of strategic management and economic analysis are unable to fully meet the demands of users in the structured analytical information, as most of them are static, focused on the development of internal components of the enterprise’s potential. Thus, the need to form and test dynamic analytical models is determined, which is connected with the dynamism of external environment and studying the enterprises as open systems that freely interact with the external environment. As result of the research on the theoretical foundations of the strategic analysis of enterprise, a conceptual analytical model based on the use of the system-dynamic approach is proposed; the basic postulates of the conception of strategic analysis are formed; the following subsystems are allocated and characterized: functional (purpose, objectives and principles of strategic analysis), subject-object (subject and object of analysis), and supporting (methodical, organizational, personnel, information and methodological support), the evaluation of interaction of which will strengthen the system constituent of the strategic analysis of enterprise, taking into account the influence of environmental variable factors.

Keywords: strategic analysis, conceptual model, system-dynamic method, functional subsystem, supporting subsystem, subject-object subsystem.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Saukh Iryna V.

List of references in article

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