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Classifying the Functions of an Industrial Enterprise as the Basis for Classifying its Potentials
Shpak S. O.

Shpak, Sergiy O. (2019) “Classifying the Functions of an Industrial Enterprise as the Basis for Classifying its Potentials.” Business Inform 9:171–179.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Russian
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UDC 338.242(075)

The article is aimed at developing methodological provisions for classifying the types of the industrial enterprise’s activities as the basis for classifying its potentials, as well as building the upper hierarchical levels of such classification. As a prototype of a classification of the types of enterprise’s activities, it is proposed to use the International Standard Industry Classification for all types of economic activities (developed at the UN), methodological provisions and principles of its development, as well as the enterprise’s functions description model provided by the IDEF0 standard. It is substantiated that the key attributes of classifying the activities of an industrial enterprise are: the targeted purpose of the activity, the type of object exposed and/or transformed in the course of the operation, the type of process (technology), the type of output product and the sphere of its applying. It is shown that the consistent use of the proposed methodological provisions and classification attributes at the upper levels of the activities’ classification leads to the need for allocating the basic and the supportive activities of enterprise; allocating in the main activities of both the production and the development activities; separating the supportive activities into types such as the input and the output logistics, support production, management, etc., with the obligatory allocation of the group of so-called supporting processes. Based on the results of the study, scientific objectives are formulated, the solution of which will improve the methodological bases of classification and will help to develop a scientifically sound classification of the potentials of industrial enterprise, oriented towards the strategic tasks for management of the enterprises’ development.

Keywords: functions of industrial enterprise, activities, potentials, classification.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 19.

Shpak Sergiy O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Leading Specialist, RailTransHolding, LLC (10 Varhanova Str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, 87517, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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