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Forming a System of Management of Business Processes of Industrial Enterprise with Identification of Factors and Indicators of Economic Security
Bashynska I. O.

Bashynska, Iryna O. (2019) “Forming a System of Management of Business Processes of Industrial Enterprise with Identification of Factors and Indicators of Economic Security.” Business Inform 8:211–217.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The article is aimed at researching the main aspects of formation of a system of management of business processes of industrial enterprise with the identification of factors and indicators of economic security. Essence of the category of «business processes» is defined, leading to allocation of features of process management for industrial enterprise, suggesting a classification of business processes. This classification allocates managerial business processes - the main (generating the profit of enterprise) and the service-based - the supporting and providing basic business processes (management of human, information, financial resources, creating the property values, management of external relations and improvements, and safety and environment management (EHS)). This structure is a four-level model of the enterprise’s business process standard, regulating the rules of a graphic and detailed presentation of process in order to ensure maximum visibility and informativeness. To address a specific task of managing business processes, a common technology is being developed that covers seven steps, from building an organizational system model to analyzing the efficiency of implementing the modeling results into practice. To describe the activities of the organizational system, to evaluate, with use of the measurement criteria, the level of achievement of the enterprise’s business goals, as well as to solve the task of optimizing the parameters of activity, quantitative models of business processes management are used. In a process-oriented approach, the totality of all statuses of processes from start-to-end is considered as a model of possible statuses of the target organizational system. Processes can be conditioned by local and global constraints due to the interaction nature of the process/internal processes and process/external environment. Such restrictions are management criteria with a focus on security, identification of specific factors and a system of indicators of the economic security of industrial enterprise. An instrumentarium of simulation modeling becomes the basis for identifying the factors and indicators of economic security of enterprise. The system of management of business processes requires special provision by information-technologic means and the use of modern information technologies, which is the direction for further research.

Keywords: business processes, industrial enterprise, system of management of business processes, security-oriented management, economic security of enterprise.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Bashynska Iryna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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