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The Concept and Essence of the Mental Model of Enterprise in the Era of Social Transformations in Business.
Hlynska A. Y.

Hlynska, Anastasiia Ye. (2019) “The Concept and Essence of the Mental Model of Enterprise in the Era of Social Transformations in Business..” Business Inform 7:319–324.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 658:155.9

The article is aimed at researching and formulating the concept of «mental model of business» as an integrating factor of individual perceptions, values and experience of its interest groups. Analyzing the works on psychology, it was found that individual mental models determine the nature of decisions made by an individual. Thus, it was assumed that the performance of enterprise is the result of productivity of the mental models of its participants. The article proposes the concept of mental model of business as an integration of personal beliefs, values and ideas about the activities of the enterprise of all its employees, formed on the basis of their own experience and the influence of social institutions and social thinking paradigms, which leads to the formation of a special culture at the enterprise and determines the quality of the results achieved. The algorithm of forming the mental model of enterprise and its impact on the achieved results is provided, allowing to identify the root cause of an ocurring problem or to find the key to generating new approaches. It was found that the creation of new perspectives is possible due to changes in the mental model. The appropriate methods and instruments for this purpose are offered.

Keywords: mental model of enterprise, management of changes, efficiency, social enterprise, values.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Hlynska Anastasiia Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism, Kherson National Technical University (24 Beryslavske Chss., Kherson, 73008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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