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The Methodological Features of Research on the Export-Oriented Activities
Karasova N. A.

Karasova, Nataliia A. (2019) “The Methodological Features of Research on the Export-Oriented Activities.” Business Inform 7:154–160.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.564.2

The issues of development of the export potential of agrarian sector require the development of a certain research instrument, a methodology, which at a certain level of abstraction will allow to understand the organizational aspects of development of the export-oriented activities and, as a result, ensure the efficient activities of economic entities at all hierarchical levels. The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretic-methodological foundations and the technology of scientific research process on development of the export-oriented activities in general and in the agrarian sector in particular. As a result, feasibility of application of a systemic approach is substantiated while identifying the problems, features and strategic priorities of development of the export-oriented activities. The main elements of the material system in the sphere of export-oriented activities are determined, such as resource potential, infrastructure provision and economic entities, which, under influence of external and internal factors, introduce the production and marketing activities in terms of commodity products and services. The analytical, methodical, applied and conceptual planes of research on the export-oriented activities are defined.

Keywords: methodology, export-oriented activities, agrarian sector.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 20.

Karasova Nataliia A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (36 Yevhena Konovaltsia Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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