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The Branding of Destination in the Process of Reproduction of a Regional Tourism Product
Gayvoronska I. V.

Gayvoronska, Inna V. (2019) “The Branding of Destination in the Process of Reproduction of a Regional Tourism Product.” Business Inform 2:121–132.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at researching the role and place of branding in the process of reproduction of a regional tourism product. The essence of the category of «branding of destination» is defined, which allows identifying the main differences from the category of «branding of the place (territory)». It has been determined that the purpose of branding is to promote certain characteristics of a place or recreation area to potential visitors (tourists, travel agents, investors in the sphere of hospitality) with the help of a properly created image. In addition, the features of branding of territories and destinations for the formation of the targeted measures to promote unique characteristics of destination to potential visitors are allocated. The key roles of brands and branding strategies in the development of tourist destinations are systematized. It has been determined that the process of formation and positioning of a tourist destination brand should be targeted at creation of values and their meanings (sense). The structure of the content elements of the value-oriented concept of branding a tourist destination is defined. The conceptual model of branding in the reproduction process of a regional tourism product is substantiated. It is proved that target setting is an important element of the branding process, as it provides for balancing the goals of all stakeholder groups. Prospects for further research in this direction are evaluation (monitoring) of the brand of regional tourism product to determine its efficiency, as well as formation and adjustment of the branding model to ensure sustainable reproduction of destination as a regional tourism product.

Keywords: brand, branding, destinations, territory, regional tourism product, branding strategy, branding of tourist destination.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 27.

Gayvoronska Inna V. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Business Administration, Odesa I. I.Mechnikov National University (2 Dvorianska Str., Odesa, 65000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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