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 Conceptual Bases and Strategic Directions for the Development of Diffusion of Innovations in the ICT Sector Seredyuk T. B.
Seredyuk, Tetyana B. (2019) “Conceptual Bases and Strategic Directions for the Development of Diffusion of Innovations in the ICT Sector.” Business Inform 11:84–92.
Section: Investment Processes
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UDC 330.340.1:338.2
Abstract: The article substantiates the need to consider the phenomenon of diffusion of innovations (DI), which constitutes an important condition and a driver of innovative economic development. This is especially topical for the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, which has come to the fore in the context of modern technological trends. The emergence of digital economy increases the importance of diffusion processes of new ICTs, which actualizes the topic of the article. This is especially important for Ukraine due to the need to intensify the innovative development of the ICT sector in order to move from the outsourcing to the product model. The article is aimed at presenting the conceptual bases and strategic directions of the development of DI in the ICT sector. According to the author’s plan, this will become the starting point for developments in the sphere of improving the specific DI mechanisms in the discussed sector. As the basis for the development conception are allocated three approaches that constitute a framework of development of DI in the ICT sector: noospheric; ecosystem; social. The noospheric approach is allocated as the basic one, which implements planetary thinking, gives grounds for organizing collective activity, circulation of knowledge. Also allocated are the main provisions of the conception, which function as its core (goal, principles, essence of diffusionism, orientation to develop own innovation potential and substitution of imported technologies, etc.). A national system for supporting DI in the ICT sector is suggested, which particularly has an institutional and organizational structure. The subjects, objects, levels, functions, forms or subsystems and other elements of this system are allocated. Conceptual provisions as to the development of cooperation in the sphere of DI, the connection of this process with the development of the territories are substantiated. Expanding the role and enhancing the quality of government intervention is a key issue. A scheme of synthesizing elements of the government support for DI in the ICT sector is elaborated. Recommendations have been made as to creation of social conditions for DI and deepening public-private partnerships. The presented conceptual bases and directions for the development of DI in the ICT sector are expected to be useful for the development of measures of the scientific, technological, innovative, educational policies, as well as to complement existing approaches in the sphere of support for innovation activities.
Keywords: diffusion of innovations, information and communication technologies, development conception, diffusionism, the State support, public-private partnership.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 17.
Seredyuk Tetyana B. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economic Relations, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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