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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 005.591.45:658.7:621
Zelenskiy M. V.
Substantiating the Stages in Procedure of Choosing Outsourcer of Logistic Functions of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 364 - 370)

Implementation of outsourcing of logistic functions is a complicated process that requires some preliminary analytic work around the choice of a reliable supplier of quality services. To obtain the desired result from outsourcing it is necessary to elaborate on the issue of stages' contents in procedure of choosing the logistic service provider, who will be able to ensure the efficiency of their implementation. This article is aimed to develop practical recommendations on formation stages in procedure of choosing outsourcer of logistic functions of machine-building enterprise in the context of implementation of the outsourcing transport and storage. In the study the structural-logical analysis was applied to the formation of proposals on the contents of stages of the selection procedure for logistics outsourcers; systematic approach – to build a matrix of criteria, which allows for a comparison of abilities of logistics outsourcers. In the study possibilities to develop stages in procedure of choosing outsourcer of logistic functions were created, namely: preparations for the tender for transfer of the logistic function to outsourcing; preparation of information for elaborating the tender task; creating a list of potential bidders and inviting them to the tender; mailing the tender task to the potential outsourcers, getting questions from the potential outsourcers, preparation of answers; composing of a ranked competitive list of potential outsourcer; further analysis, discussion of the technology of fulfillment of logistic function by the outsourcer, clarification of particular issues and adjustment of commercial proposal; choosing the logistics operator. The elaborated methodical approach to choosing outsourcer of logistic functions helps to obtain the most effective version of the partnership, which corresponds to the expectations of machine-building enterprises.
Keywords: outsourcing, transportation, storage, tender, criteria matrix, costs, comparison
Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Zelenskiy Maksym V. – Lecturer, Department of Economics, organization and business planning, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Zelenskiy, Maksym V. (2014) “Substantiating the Stages in Procedure of Choosing Outsourcer of Logistic Functions of Machine-Building Enterprise.” Business Inform 12:364–370.

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