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Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
UDC 338.246
Lanhovoi V. O.
Trends of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept in the Industrial-Financial and Investment Activity of the Corporations in Ukraine (p. 56 - 66)

The article is aimed at defining and studying of the social role and place of business in conducting of the State and regional policy for sustainable development. The article analyzes the background and the possibilities of implementing the principles of sustainable development by the corporations in Ukraine. The companies, which implement the conception of sustainable development at all stages of their strategies, were identified. The main trends in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development were highlighted and the directions of realization of the economic, social and environmental components of the studied companies were specified. Examples of realization of the above components of sustainable development were provided. Also a correlation between dynamics of profits of the analyzed companies and dynamics of proportions of financing the measures for implementation of the concept of sustainable development, based on selected indicators and the cross-correlation matrix, was presented in the article. It was determined that increase of the production quality remains a priority measure of the enterprises activity in the field of sustainable development. The least common to the analyzed companies are measures to protect natural resources and cooperation with the public sphere. Most enterprises do not have a clear mechanism for monitoring the implementation of programs or activities on sustainable development, and the level of cooperation with the major groups of stakeholders are relatively low. It was noted that conditions pursuant to a motivated implementation of the activities related to sustainable development are absent in the Ukrainian economy. The solution of the existing problems in the theory and practice of implementing the conception of sustainable development would reduce economic and social disparities, create trust relationships between business, society and the State.
Keywords: trends, sustainable development, concept, corporation, strategy, matrix, correlation
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 26.

Lanhovoi Volodymyr O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Donbas State Technical University (84 Peremohy Ave., Lysychansk, 93100, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Lanhovoi, Volodymyr O. (2014) “Trends of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept in the Industrial-Financial and Investment Activity of the Corporations in Ukraine.” Business Inform 10:56–66.

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