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The Role of Standardization and Certification in Improving the Quality of Agrarian Business Products and Ways of Its Promotion
Oliinyk T. I., Sotula V. V.

Oliinyk, Tetiana I., and Sotula, Valeriia V. (2024) “The Role of Standardization and Certification in Improving the Quality of Agrarian Business Products and Ways of Its Promotion.” Business Inform 6:226–234.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The agrarian sector of Ukraine is one of the key components of the national economy, but it faces numerous problems, among which the issues of product quality, standardization and certification occupy an important place. In the context of globalization and integration into world markets, ensuring high quality and compliance with international standards are necessary to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian agrarian products. This study focuses on the economic analysis of the current state of the agrarian sector of Ukraine in order to identify the main problematic issues and develop promising ways to solve them. Attention is paid not only to technical aspects, but also to methodological frameworks related to standardization and certification processes in the agro-industrial business. Particular attention in the study is paid to integrated marketing strategies, which are an integral part of modern agribusiness. The possibilities and benefits of using modern technologies in marketing communications, including digital marketing, big data analytics and process automation, are studied. The introduction of these technologies makes it possible to reach target markets more effectively, increase consumer awareness of products and strengthen the brand of Ukrainian agrarian producers in the international arena. Technological progress in the financial sector is also an important factor in the development of agrarian business. Innovations in financial technologies, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and financial platforms, can greatly simplify lending, insurance, and financial risk management processes for agrarian producers. In this context, the prospects for the development of the credit system for agrarian business are studied, including the introduction of new financial instruments and support mechanisms. One of the important aspects of the study is the analysis of the consequences of the implementation of the new land policy in Ukraine. Both positive and negative consequences of this policy are considered, in particular its impact on the availability of land resources for agrarian producers, the investment attractiveness of the agrarian sector and environmental sustainability. Possible ways to minimize the negative consequences and maximize the benefits of new reforms in land legislation are proposed. Cooperation between different stakeholders in the agrarian sector, including government agencies, the private sector and research institutions, is seen as a key element in the successful implementation of the proposed measures. In particular, the authors emphasize the importance of creating partnerships and cooperatives, which will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, technology and resources to improve the efficiency of production and marketing of products. By taking a comprehensive approach to analysis and providing practical recommendations, this study aims to promote the further development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The developed proposals will help ensure sustainable growth, improve the quality of products, strengthen positions in international markets and improve the standard of living of the rural population. The implementation of integrated strategies, innovative technologies and effective cooperation will be the key to a successful future of Ukrainian agrarian business.

Keywords: agrarian business, product quality, standardization, certification, marketing strategies, financial technologies, land policy, lending system.

Fig.: 9. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Oliinyk Tetiana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Management, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Sotula Valeriia V. – Student, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Nauky Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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