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Analyzing the Directions of Transformation of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kotliarov Y. I., Shulha I. V.

Kyzym, Mykola O. et al. (2024) “Analyzing the Directions of Transformation of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Ukraine.” Business Inform 6:217–225.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 669.1:622

The aim of the article is to select and substantiate the technology of blast-furnace (coke-free) steel production, which can be used in Ukraine, taking into account the existing raw material base, the provision of the necessary energy resources and other specific conditions of the country. Technologies of direct reduction of iron (coke-free metallurgy), which are of industrial importance, are based on the interaction of iron ore (in the form of pellets) with synthesis gas (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). In this case, hydrogen is used as an iron reducing agent, and carbon monoxide is burned with the release of heat necessary for the chemical reaction to take place. Synthesis gas on an industrial scale is produced either by steam catalytic conversion of natural gas or by coal gasification. Production of synthesis gas from natural gas can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to coke oven metallurgy (from 1.4–1.7 to 0.328 tons of carbon dioxide per 1 ton of iron). Yet, in the current conditions of Ukraine, this technology cannot be used due to the shortage of natural gas and high prices for it. Direct reduction of iron by synthesis gas obtained from coal in Ukrainian conditions has great prospects due to the presence of large reserves and developed coal mining of those grades of coal that are most suitable for gasification. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with this technology can be achieved if synthesis gas with a hydrogen content of more than 67% is obtained at the gasification stage. The article also discusses the prospects of hydrogen metallurgy, in which only hydrogen obtained by electrolysis of water is used as a reducing agent and a source of heat necessary for the reaction. Under the current conditions of Ukraine, the only source of electricity for electrolysis can be considered a specially built solar power plant. It is calculated that a power plant with a capacity of more than 100 MW is required to produce 1 million tons of direct reduced iron. The possibility of constructing a complex for the production of direct reduced iron using only hydrogen requires further research.

Keywords: mining and metallurgical complex, coke-free metallurgy, green metallurgy, metallurgical industry, industrial policy, direct reduction, greenhouse gas, synthesis gas, hydrogen, decarbonization.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Head of Department, Department of Human Development Research, Institute of Demography and Quality of Life Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (60 Tarasa Shevchenka Blvd, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kotliarov Yevhen I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Energy Security and Energy Saving of the Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Shulha Ihor V. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of, Coke Department, Ukrainian State Research Institute for Carbochemistry (UKHIN) (7 Vesnina Str., Kharkiv, 61023, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“World Steel in Figures 2024“. The World Steel Association.
Khaustova, V. Ye. Promyslova polityka v Ukraini: formuvannia ta prohnozuvannia [Industrial Policy in Ukraine: Formation and Forecasting]. Kharkiv: VD «INZhEK», 2015.
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“Iron and Steel Technology Roadmap. Towards more sustainable steelmaking“. International Energy Agency. 2020.
“Metinvest doiednavsia do uriadovoi platformy shchodo zelenoho vidnovlennia metalurhii“ [Metinvest Joined the Government's Platform on the Green Recovery of Metallurgy]. Minprom. June 23, 2023.
“Ukraina ta UNIDO pidpysaly Prohramu zelenoho vidnovlennia promyslovosti Ukrainy na 2024-2028 roky“ [Ukraine and UNIDO Signed the Program for the Green Restoration of Ukraine's Industry for 2024-2028]. Uriadovyi portal.
“Vidnovlennia Ukrainy. Proiekty natsprohramy“ [Restoration of Ukraine. National Program Projects].
“Zalizorudna syrovyna“ [Iron Ore Raw Materials]. Metinvest.
“Ferrexpo“. GMK Center.
“Budivnytstvo zavodu «Vorskla stal» vidkladeno na 10 rokiv“ [The Construction of the "Vorskla Stal" Plant Has Been Postponed for 10 Years]. December 19, 2018.
Kyzym, M. O. et al. Tekhniko-ekonomichni zasady stvorennia pidhaluzi z vyrobnytstva ridkoho syntetychnoho palyva v Ukraini [Technical and Economic Principles of the Creation of a Sub-industry for the Production of Liquid Synthetic Fuel in Ukraine]. Kharkiv: FOP Liburkina L.M., 2022.
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