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Formation of a Competitive Position of Enterprise Based on the Principles of Digital Marketing
Naumenko M. A.

Naumenko, Maksym A. (2024) “Formation of a Competitive Position of Enterprise Based on the Principles of Digital Marketing.” Business Inform 5:380–388.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Today, the domestic economy is facing significant problems caused by ongoing russian aggression. However, despite everything that has happened, there are still many competitive industries in the economy, where enterprises constantly compete for the attention of consumers, so the formation of an effective competitive position of the enterprise in the markets remains relevant for enterprises. The study analyzes the essence and features of the use of digital technologies in the marketing management of enterprises, the possibilities of their integrated interaction and complementation. The features of the main digital technologies used for positioning domestic and foreign enterprises in the markets are systematized and described. The conditions for their successful and expedient application for various managerial tasks are determined. It is found that the most common digital technologies that are successfully used in the practical marketing of enterprises are marketing analytics, affiliate marketing, content marketing, email marketing, PPC, SEO, mobile and social marketing. It is substantiated that the use of these technologies contributes to the generation of a number of positive effects for enterprise: communications between enterprises and consumers are improved; a positive image of the enterprise is formed; the efficiency of decision-making increases by obtaining better and more complete market information; it becomes possible to regulate the amount of costs for obtaining information, etc. The article also provides a comparative characteristic of digital technologies from the standpoint of their advantages and disadvantages in terms of fulfilling the tasks of market positioning of enterprises. A number of recommendations on how to improve the results of using some digital technologies, including email marketing, PPC, and SEO, have been formed.

Keywords: competitive positioning, management, digital technologies, marketing management, enterprise.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Naumenko Maksym A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Deputy Director, CO CF Ukrainians Together (31b Svobody Ave., Kyiv, 04108, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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