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Using Tools of Public Relations in Modern Conditions
Olinichenko K. S., Kolesnyk V. O., Czoj V. O.

Olinichenko, Kateryna S., Kolesnyk, Vitalij O., and Czoj, Viktoriya O. (2024) “Using Tools of Public Relations in Modern Conditions.” Business Inform 5:303–309.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 659.4:636.09

Interaction with the public opens up the opportunity for companies to analyze the attitude of society to various problems, novel values and ways of life. It also allows us to respond to changes in influential centers, such as voters, legislatures, and other aspects of the environment. The main task of public relations (PR) is to form a positive perception of the object of PR among public opinion both in society as a whole and in specific groups, such as partners, consumers, employees of the organization, etc. A study by the method of expert assessments plus an additional interview is conducted. 19 people took part in the study, among the respondents were both those who have been using the services of the researched enterprise («CentrVet») for a long time, and those who applied to it for the first time. When determining the overall impression that creates the image of a veterinary clinic among the target audience, such aspects as the organization of work at a high level and high quality of service were noted. Particular attention of the participants was paid to such a factor as the capability of the clinic staff to work with clients – to explain the nature of the disease, specific methods of treatment, etc. The specifics of the interaction between the clinic’s doctors hae been also positively assessed. According to the findings of the study, doctors have no doubts about consulting each other and are always ready to help. The study shows that the opening hours of the clinic do not suit all respondents, but this is not a very important factor. Dissatisfaction with the waiting room is especially noted. According to the respondents, it is advisable to divide it into at least two groups: for cat owners and for dog owners. However, it should be noted that the reception is carried out by appointment, so there is no large accumulation of animals in the lobby. The participants of the interview noted that the internal documents have an attractive and convenient design, although the logo of the organization on the internal documents of «CentrVet» can be changed to color. The opinions expressed by the participants of the study point to the need to expand the printed materials of the «CentrVet» clinic, and not just the use of business cards. The findings of the study confirmed the need to expand the advertising activities of the «CentrVet» clinic, as many clients noted the lack of advertising materials about it. Participants expressed their desire to see information about the clinic in free booklets and memos, which are laid out in mailboxes to get more information about its services and work schedule. Respondents highly appreciated the official website of the «CentrVet» clinic, considering it likable, convenient and informative. Overall, while some aspects of the clinic’s promotional activities could be improved, the official website has already been recognized for its usefulness and customer friendliness. During the study, it was found that in general, the image of the veterinary clinic «CentrVet» is evaluated by representatives of the target audience as positive, and the image of the organization and the quality of its employees satisfy customers. However, certain shortcomings were identified, mainly related to the lack of informing the audience about the existence of the clinic and its services, as well as to the limited range of advertising and information products used to promote the organization. The public relations campaign plan provided by us to maintain the image of the veterinary clinic «CentrVet» is aimed at attracting attention and forming a positive image of the clinic among the target audience. Work on improving the quality and accessibility of the clinic’s services, expanding the range of advertising and information products, cooperation with the media and active promotion of the website - all these areas are aimed at raising awareness and attracting the attention of customers. This campaign plan is comprehensive, and we are confident that if implemented correctly, it will contribute to the successful development and strengthening of the position of the «CentrVet» clinic in the veterinary services market.

Keywords: public relations, advertising, promotion, communications.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Olinichenko Kateryna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kolesnyk Vitalij O. – Student, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Czoj Viktoriya O. – Student, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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