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Methodological Principles of the Formation of the Logistic Mechanism of Enterprises Gubarev R. V.
Gubarev, Ruslan V. (2024) “Methodological Principles of the Formation of the Logistic Mechanism of Enterprises.” Business Inform 5:220–226.
Section: Economics of Enterprise
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 338.18.78
Abstract: The article updates the issues of formation and implementation of the logistic mechanism of operation and development of domestic production enterprises. The purpose of the study is to generalize and further develop the methodological foundations of the formation of the logistic mechanism of activities of domestic enterprises. It is proven that the logistic mechanism of the enterprise should be considered as a set of its elements that interact with each other to ensure the proper level of efficiency of logistic activities, implementation of the enterprise's logistics strategy. Such elements are: its subjects, objects, purpose, goals, tasks, aspects of strategy and tactics, tools, means, resource provision, etc. On the other hand, the logistic mechanism has its own specifics associated with purely logistic aspects. It is found that the efficiency of the logistic mechanism of the enterprise should be understood as the ability of the economic entity to ensure smooth and efficient processes of stock management, transportation of material stocks and finished products, warehousing, packaging, freight processing, procurement and distribution; formation of a full-fledged, high-quality and efficiently functioning logistic system; implementation of business logistic strategies. It is argued that the achievement of this goal requires the implementation of such functions as security, rhythmicity, balance, stimulation and the addition of added value. The leading areas of formation and implementation of the logistic mechanism of the enterprise have been identified, namely, inventory management; purchases; transportation; warehousing; distribution; packaging; freight processing. The measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's logistic mechanism should be implemented in accordance with these very directions.
Keywords: logistics, logistic mechanism, enterprises of the production sector, supply, sales, warehousing, transportation, logistic services, efficiency, material and technical support, information flows.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 12.
Gubarev Ruslan V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Chief, Purchasing department, MEDICAL ADVANCE LLC (257 Heroiv Kharkova Ave., Kharkiv, 61044, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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