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Ensuring Effective Public Management of Territorial Development for the Implementation of Effective National and Regional Economic Policy: The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects
Shumska H. М.

Shumska, Hanna М. (2024) “Ensuring Effective Public Management of Territorial Development for the Implementation of Effective National and Regional Economic Policy: The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects.” Business Inform 4:40–53.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

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UDC 352/354:332.1

The aim of the article is to deepen the theoretical and methodological aspects of ensuring effective public management of territorial development in the context of digitalization for the implementation of effective national and regional economic policy in Ukraine, which will allow achieving sustainable development of its territories and ensuring the provision of quality public services to the population. It is proved that ensuring effective public management of territorial development is critically important for the implementation of modern national and regional economic policy, especially in the context of digitalization, which will improve the quality of public services to citizens and achieve sustainable balanced development of territories in Ukraine. It is emphasized that in the context of comprehensive digitalization of key spheres of society in Ukraine, this process should be based on improving the system of public management of territorial development through the implementation of effective innovation activities and the rational use of information and communication technologies in the authorities. To ensure effective public management of territorial development in the context of digitalization, the author proposes to use a comprehensive methodological approach, which, unlike the existing one, is aimed at implementing effective innovation activities in government bodies with an emphasis on creating a favorable innovation environment in their management system, organizational ordering of their innovation activities and rational use of digital tools by civil servants. The use of the proposed approach will increase the effectiveness of the public administration system of Ukraine as a whole and, accordingly, improve the efficiency of the implementation of the national and regional economic policy. The author also proposes to improve various aspects of ensuring effective innovation activities of the authorities in the country, such as: regulatory, institutional, marketing, personnel, motivational, scientific and methodological, financial, information and communication, to increase the effectiveness of the system of public governance and administration of Ukraine under martial law. It is proved that the success of the introduction of innovations related to the digitalization of public management of territorial development for the implementation of the national and regional economic policy of the country depends on the process of assessing the digital maturity of civil servants and authorities in general. To this end, it is proposed to use a methodical approach to assessing the level of digital maturity of civil servants from the authorities, which will allow obtaining specific benefits on the path of digital transformation and, further on, positive effects and advantages for the territorial communities of the country are identified depending on the level of digital maturity of the particular authority and the chosen digital transformation strategy. The application of this approach will allow not only to assess and, if necessary, increase the level of digital maturity of civil servants working for the authorities, but also to ensure the efficiency of the implementation of the national and regional economic policy, to achieve sustainable balanced development of territories in Ukraine.

Keywords: public management of territorial development, public authorities, national and regional economic policy, territorial management, balanced development of territories, digitalization, effective innovation activity in government bodies, provision of quality services to citizens, digital maturity of civil servants.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 35.

Shumska Hanna М. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, The Department of the State Administration, Public Management and Economic Policy, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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