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Marketing Management in Ensuring Resilience of Business in the Conditions of the BANI World
Zhehus O. V.

Zhehus, Olena V. (2024) “Marketing Management in Ensuring Resilience of Business in the Conditions of the BANI World.” Business Inform 4:348–359.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article develops the theoretical foundations of marketing management to ensure business resilience in the BANI world. The relevance of this area of research is due to the events and transformations that take place in the world and cause evolutionary changes in all spheres of life. The unstable VUCA world was replaced by a more complex, fast, turbulent BANI world, the consequences of which caused destabilization, disorder, spontaneity and cardinal changes. Business adaptability, which was the goal of management in the VUCA world, has been transformed into the need to ensure its resilience in the BANI world. In connection with the formation of new conditions and rules in the external environment, entrepreneurs, managers, and marketers faced an extremely difficult task to ensure the recovery of business after losses and increase its resilience to new shocks in the future. To solve it, the need to introduce new methods of marketing management has been determined. The conception of opportunity marketing is proposed, the basic principles of which are defined on the basis of the BANI-method, which includes components (creation of the new, optimism and audacity, non-standard approaches, awareness of reality), which are peculiar responses to the features of the BANI-world (fragility, anxiety, nonlinearity, incomprehensibility). The necessity of adhering to the following principles is substantiated: speed, proactivity, optimism and positive thinking, creativity, critical thinking; this will allow you to change the focus of the company, which has lost its relevance, to define a new strategic vision; identify and/or purposefully create new opportunities for business development; initiate innovation and implement changes to improve the product, processes, technology, service, communications, brand. Marketing management based on the principles of the conception of opportunity marketing will ensure the resilience of the business, in particular its ability to withstand the challenges and threats of the BANI world, and find new opportunities for further development.

Keywords: resilience, antifragility, business, marketing, management, marketing principles.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 22.

Zhehus Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation Management and Customer Experience, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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