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Adaptation as a Component of the Staff Onboarding Process
Peniuk V. O.

Peniuk, Valeriia O. (2024) “Adaptation as a Component of the Staff Onboarding Process.” Business Inform 4:332–338.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331.5

The purpose of the article is to define the differences between the concepts of «onboarding» and «adaptation», the tasks and methods of onboarding, as well as to define the concept of onboarding as a process that ensures the effective adaptation of new employees. Nowadays, modern business is impossible without human resources. The labor market, acquaintances, interviews – all this facilitates the rapid search for new employees who can take a certain place in the organization. But can a new employee quickly adapt to a new environment and start performing tasks without financial losses for the organization during the adaptation period of the employee himself/herself? Experience shows that some employees who are on probation or have just started working cannot agree to the conditions and resign only because of difficulties in the process of adapting to the new environment. That is why both small organizations and large companies should pay attention to the importance and role of onboarding in retaining new employees for a long period of time. Some HR specialists and part of the scientific community equate onboarding with adaptation. We have identified the differences between these concepts, because, in our opinion, adaptation is a component of the staff onboarding process. The processes associated with onboarding are preboarding, offboarding, and crossboarding. The period when after the final interview and before the «newcomer» begins to perform functional duties is called preboarding. If the onboarding process still fails at the enterprise, the HR team prepares for the offboarding (dismissal) process. And if new opportunities open up for the «newcomer», then the process of crossboarding is irreversible, which ensures the successful adaptation of the employee in a new position, but within the same enterprise. Well-defined tasks and methods for implementing onboarding make it possible to reduce staff turnover among «newcomers» to enterprises. And its essence substantiates the expediency and effectiveness of onboarding in the process of personnel management in general.

Keywords: onboarding, adaptation, jobhopper, «newcomer», mentoring, offboarding, crossboarding.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Peniuk Valeriia O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Marketing and International Logistics, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics (7 Tsentralna Square, Chernivtsi, 58002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Peniuk, V. O. “Osoblyvosti HR-menedzhmentu v umovakh pandemii“ [Features of HR Management under Pandemic Condition]. Visnyk Chernivetskoho torhovelno-ekonomichnoho instytutu. Seriia «Ekonomichni nauky», no. IV (2020): 138-151. DOI:
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“Shcho take onbordynh (onboarding) i yak vyhliadaie tsei protses?“ [What Is Onboarding and What Does This Process Look Like?].


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