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Analyzing the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments in Ukraine
Kovel P. M.

Kovel, Petro M. (2024) “Analyzing the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investments in Ukraine.” Business Inform 3:87–95.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.322

The purpose of the study is to analyze the state, dynamics and structure of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in Ukraine. Such research methods as analysis, synthesis and comparison, graphical method were used. The article considers the theoretical foundations of the category of foreign direct investment, reveals the characteristic features. The significance of investments for the country’s economy is substantiated, a list of advantages of Ukraine in the context of investment attractiveness is provided. An analysis of the dynamics of foreign direct investment in the Ukraine showed that over the past 22 years there have been significant fluctuations. It is found that this is due to a number of factors, including: military operations, political instability, the coronavirus pandemic, and economic crises. The dynamics of the index of investment attractiveness of Ukraine is also considered; it is concluded that Ukraine has a fairly average investment attractiveness. However, at present there is again a relatively positive trend towards an increase in FDI inflows into the country’s economy, and under the conditions of a balanced economic policy, the end of the war, and the attraction of new investors, this trend may continue. Having considered the dynamics of the structure of foreign direct investment balances by country, it was possible to identify that in the period 2015–2022 the EU countries have invested in Ukraine’s economy. At that, the presence of countries that act as offshore zones is identified. This, in turn, carries certain threats and is a consequence of bribery and tax evasion. An important task of the Government of Ukraine should be to increase the level of attraction of economically and innovatively developed investments from leading countries, as well as to reduce the outflow of capital to offshore countries. Solutions in this direction can be the creation of innovation zones, the fight against corruption and the reform of the tax system. This will help attract new foreign investment, as well as increase the level of competitiveness of Ukraine in the world space. An analysis of the dynamics of the structure of foreign direct investment balances by types of economic activity for the same period showed that such sectors as industry, wholesale and retail trade, financial and insurance activities, real estate transactions represent the largest share. At the same time, such sectors of our country’s economy as energy, information technology, construction, industry (including agro-industry), transport and logistics, critical materials and green metallurgy have the greatest growth potential. In some of these areas, despite the existing challenges and problems, a positive investment trend is already noticeable today – large-scale projects are being developed and implemented. Prospects for further research in this direction are building a multifactor model for analyzing the impact of economic factors on the dynamics of foreign direct investment, as well as building a model for forecasting the indicator for future periods.

Keywords: investments, foreign direct investment, investment attractiveness, dynamics of foreign direct investment inflows.

Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 16.

Kovel Petro M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Mathematical Modeling and Statistics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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