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The State Investment Policy in the Context of Accounting and Taxation of Institutions of the Financial, Credit and Budgetary Spheres
Koliesnichenko A. S.

Koliesnichenko, Anastasiia S. (2024) “The State Investment Policy in the Context of Accounting and Taxation of Institutions of the Financial, Credit and Budgetary Spheres.” Business Inform 3:80–87.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 657:338.2:330.322

The article determines that the significant growth of interest in the management of the process of generating profits and the use of investment resources in the field of implementation of investment and innovation projects and programs testifies to the special importance of investment operations as the main source of financial stability and further development of economic entities. It is substantiated that institutions of the financial, credit and budget sphere can use various forms of State regulation of investment activity, in particular, the most used of them are: management of State investments, regulation of the conditions of investment activity, as well as control over the order of its implementation, which is carried out by all investors and participants in investment activity. It has been proven that for domestic banks, investment activity is primarily a tool for asset diversification, a means of maintaining liquidity and a source of profit generation. This, in turn, requires the implementation of a balanced State policy based on a complex of tax and financial stimulation methods. It is defined that, in contrast to the financial and credit sphere, in the budget sector, investment activity, accounting and taxation of investment transactions is a rather specific direction. Focusing on the basic concept of investment formulated in the legislative field, methods of reproduction of investments in the budget process are systematized and it is proved that the State bodies can manage the State investments, in particular financial ones, and this allows the accountant of a budget institution to correctly reflect economic transactions in accounting and prepare financial statements, properly comply with tax discipline. This made it possible to allocate a significant feature for budget planning, which is expressed in the fact that the use of fund and financial instruments in the budget process will not act as the implementation of the budget institution's estimate for capital expenditures.

Keywords: State policy, investments, investment activity, financial and credit institutions, budgetary institutions, accounting, taxation.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Koliesnichenko Anastasiia S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Finance, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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