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Deposit and Loan Potential of Banks in the Development of the Ukrainian Carpathians
Pavlyk O. I.

Pavlyk, Orest I. (2024) “Deposit and Loan Potential of Banks in the Development of the Ukrainian Carpathians.” Business Inform 3:63–71.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 336.7:332.12

The aim of the article is to determine the deposit and loan potential of banks and the possibilities of its accumulation in the development of the economy of the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is proposed to consider the regional banking system as a set of banking institutions that are located in a certain territory, have their own deposit and loan potential, are an integral part of the country’s banking system and perform a dual function: ensure the development of the country’s banking system in general and form the deposit and loan potential to meet the needs of the region’s economy in particular. It is specified that the efficiency of functioning of the region’s banks is determined by their ability to transform the accumulated deposit potential into loans for the development of the economy, satisfaction of consumer needs of the population, which will ensure the growth of the gross regional product, the competitiveness of the financial sector of the region, and the well-being of the population. An approach to assessing the possibilities of attracting the potential of banks in the development of the region’s economy has been developed. The carried out calculations showed a negative tendency of a decrease in the Ukrainian Carpathians of both the total number of existing structural subdivisions of banks and the number of such subdivisions per 100 thousand inhabitants, which is due to the war, the temporary occupation of part of the territories, the post-COVID period. It is analytically proved that in the conditions of wartime, the trend of confidence in the banking system and the increase in the deposit potential of regional banks against the background of a decrease in the number of their structural divisions has been preserved. The share of loans granted in the Ukrainian Carpathians in their total volume in Ukraine increased and showed that during the wartime, the volume of loan activity in the Ukrainian Carpathians increased, which did not correspond to the general downward trend in loan activity in Ukraine. According to the conducted research, it is stated that the volume of loans granted in the Ukrainian Carpathians was much less than the attracted deposits, that is, the available resources are sufficient to cover the existing and potential needs for lending to the regional economy. It is proposed to attribute the regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians in terms of deposit and loan potential to donor regions, which are able to fully provide financing for their own development, and direct the excess resources to meet the needs of other regions. Further research will be aimed at developing mechanisms for attracting the potential of the banking system to the development of the Ukrainian Carpathians regions’ economy on the basis of the use of economic and mathematical instruments and the clustering method.

Keywords: regional banks, deposits, loans, households, non-financial corporations.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 11.

Pavlyk Orest I. – Applicant, Department of Regional Financial Policy, Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine (4 Kozelnytska Str., Lvіv, 79026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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