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Promotion of the Enterprise Brand in Social Networks (SMM)
Rozhko V. I., Brazhnik D. O., Didenko A. O.

Rozhko, Viktor I., Brazhnik, Daniil O., and Didenko, Anna O. (2024) “Promotion of the Enterprise Brand in Social Networks (SMM).” Business Inform 3:353–363.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.138

The domestic economy is going through the most difficult period in its history. Martial law has significantly reduced the productivity and overall efficiency of Ukrainian enterprises, which are already in a difficult position after the COVID-19 pandemic. Domestic companies are forced to adapt to modern conditions and look for ways to survive. Effective business management is impossible without constant adaptation to changes in the market. Even before the start of the pandemic, most companies actively used social networks to spread information about the brand and attract new customers; the beginning of the introduction of quarantine measures, the self-isolation regime, forced companies that previously did not use social networks as a tool to promote their business, to review their approach and rethink their strategy. This became necessary in order to adapt to the realities of the time, where access to customers and the market proved to be difficult due to the limitation of physical contact. Some companies that previously ignored social media have been forced to re-establish or create a presence in these networks, as it has become a strategic necessity to stay in touch with their customers and provide appropriate promotional support for their products or services. Thus, the lockdown became a catalyst for the activation of the presence of companies in social networks, which helped them adapt to new conditions and increase their online activity in order to support business. The experience that the companies acquired during the pandemic became one of the foundations of the successful functioning of domestic enterprises during the period of active hostilities. The purpose of the present study is to out-line the theoretical and practical foundations of promoting the company’s brand in social networks (SMM) using modern information marketing tools. An analysis of scientific research by foreign and domestic economists has been carried out. The current position of SMM as a tool for enterprise promotion in the information space is analyzed. The expediency of promoting a business brand in social net-works using the example of an express delivery company is revealed. It is found that the use of social networks as a tool for brand promotion is one of the most attractive and promising ways of developing the marketing activities of enterprises. Promotion of the company’s brand in social networks will con-tribute to increasing the company’s competitiveness, as well as help to develop new sales markets. Al-so, promoting the brand in social networks provides the company with advantages in the form of: minimization of possible negative variables during the pricing process; consolidation of social opinion regarding the individuality and uniqueness of the service provided or the product produced. The article examines the essence of the brand as a grouped reflection of entrepreneurship in the social and informational environment. The need to actively maintain official pages in social networks in order to in-crease the efficiency of the company’s activities is argued. The need to analyze the external conditions of the company’s activity in the process of developing marketing measures has been determined and substantiated. It has been proven that in today’s world, the developed and active presence of an enterprise in the social networks becomes a guarantee of the client-oriented direction of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the activation of the enterprise in social networks allows to raise the general image of the company, and therefore to increase the efficiency of advertising measures for the promotion of a product or service.

Keywords: SMM, brand, social network, competitiveness, internet, users, research, service.

Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 7. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 27.

Rozhko Viktor I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Brazhnik Daniil O. – Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Didenko Anna O. – Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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“Reiestratsiini dani TOV «NOVA PEI»“ [Registration data of "NOVA PAY" LLC].
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“Ofitsiinyi YouTube kanal kompanii «Nova Poshta»“ [The Official YouTube Channel of the "Nova Poshta" Company].
“Internet-resurs dlia analizu diialnosti ta stanu YouTube kanalu“ [An Online Resource for Analyzing the Activity and Status of a YouTube Channel].
“Ofitsiina storinka kompanii «Nova Poshta» v sotsialnii merezhi Instagram» [The Official Page of the "Nova Poshta" Company on the Social Network Instagram].
“Internet-resurs dlia analizu diialnosti ta stanu Instagram storinok“ [An Online Resource for Analyzing the Activity and Status of Instagram Pages].
“Ofitsiina storinka kompanii «Nova Poshta» v sotsialnii merezhi Facebook» [The Official Page of the "Nova Poshta" Company on the Social Network Facebook].


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