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Determinants of the Low Level of Development of the Life Insurance Market in Ukraine
Shubenko I. A., Stoiko O. Y., Doronin D. V., Falimonov S. V.

Shubenko, Inna A. et al. (2024) “Determinants of the Low Level of Development of the Life Insurance Market in Ukraine.” Business Inform 3:305–315.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the study is to find a correlation between indicators such as average wages and gross insurance premiums in the life insurance industry. The purposes of the research are: determination of the main determinants that affect the development of the life insurance market over a twenty-year period, search for the main reasons for the low level of life insurance in Ukraine. The methods of research in this publication are the methods of scientific abstraction, induction and deduction for a comprehensive consideration of the reasons for the low level of development of life insurance in Ukraine, individual provisions of the research are supplemented by methods of economic and correlational analysis. It is found that during the period of its formation, the insurance market of Ukraine in the field of life insurance went through several stages of its formation and continues to be formed and improved. It is determined that in 2022, the share of gross life insurance premiums in GDP equaled 0.09%, which is a very low indicator compared to developed foreign markets. This indicates the weak development of this type of insurance due to a number of reasons. A retrospective analysis of scientific publications and research over a twenty-year period showed that one of the reasons for the low level of development of life insurance is the low income of potential customers of the insurance company, which was indicated by a large number of publications. Since the salary is the main type of income of our compatriots, it is assumed that its level affects the volume of gross insurance premiums. To test this hypothesis, a correlation coefficient of 0.965 was defined. This indicates a direct relationship between wages and gross insurance premiums. The correlation coefficient is determined based on statistical information on average wages and gross life insurance premiums over a twenty-year period. Therefore, it can be predicted that the determinant of the growth of the life insurance market will be the increase in wages of potential consumers of insurance services in real terms. Further research in the field of the life insurance market will concern the forecasting of the salary level of potential consumers of insurance services, at which the volumes of life insurance will be growing.

Keywords: life insurance, life insurance market, gross insurance premiums, average salary, correlation coefficient.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 44.

Shubenko Inna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Stoiko Oleh Yа. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Doronin Dmytro V. – Masters Student, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Falimonov Serhii V. – Masters Student, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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