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Formation of the Security Plane of Enterprise under the Influence of Risks and Threats
Kapeliusha T. V.

Kapeliusha, Tetiana V. (2024) “Formation of the Security Plane of Enterprise under the Influence of Risks and Threats.” Business Inform 3:255–262.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to the issue of security, which is currently in sight as the most demanded and necessary need for the functioning of economic entities, the population, and the world. The etymology of the concepts of «risk» and «threat» is analyzed, arguments on the need for a clear distinction between these categories are provided. It is noted that risk is the probability of occurrence of an event and does not always lead to negative consequences. The threat is the result of the realization of the risk, the degree of its impact on the results of activities is significant, and sometimes destructive, which can lead to significant losses on the part of the enterprise. Definitions of the concepts of security and danger, which correlate and are a reflection of each other, are provided. It is emphasized that security and danger are opposite in their meanings, since security consists in the absence of danger, in addition, the enterprise is secure when it is really protected from dangers. It is found that both concepts are states, while security is characterized by development, and danger is characterized by decline and stagnation. It is proposed to consider security and danger in the formed plane to eliminate the confusion of the concepts of risks and threats. The areas of display of the state of security (danger) under the influence of risks and threats are allocated, their graphical representation is provided. The reflection of the difference between the impact of risks and threats, their action in the form of the results of changes in the signs of security with the formation of prerequisites for danger is presented. It is proposed to consider the features of enterprise through the following results of activity: ability to develop, competitiveness, sustainability, solvency, profitability and profitability, interests of stakeholders. The plane of security along the vector of movement of risks and threats depending on the strength of their action is outlined. In this way, the state of security varies, starting from the traditional absolutely sustainable; followed by sustainable and conditionally sustainable – up to the states that will be destructive. The key features of the security status are defined by reflecting the difference in the impact of risks and threats. The importance of the obtained results of the study, in particular the differentiation of risks and threats, for the formation of the security plane of the enterprise and the choice of effective approaches to security management depending on the location of the enterprise in a specific plane is proved.

Keywords: enterprise security, threat, risk, uncertainty, hazard, security plane, states of security, enterprise security management.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Kapeliusha Tetiana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Information and Cyber Security Management, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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