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The Current Determinants of the Integration of Ukrainian Migrants into the EU Labor Market Tsymbaliuk D. I.
Tsymbaliuk, Danylo I. (2024) “The Current Determinants of the Integration of Ukrainian Migrants into the EU Labor Market.” Business Inform 3:235–242.
Section: Labour economics and social policy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 331.5
Abstract: The aim of the publication is to substantiate the modern determinants of the integration of migrants into the labor market of the recipient countries. Based on the study of literary sources, the consequences of migration for the donor country and the recipient country are determined. The contentual characteristics of the concept of «integration» are substantiated and it is proved that integration is not a one-sided process, since it involves the interaction of different parties. The key spheres of integration of migrants are identified, on the basis of which economic, professional, educational, social, cultural, political, and civic kinds of integration are allocated. Indicators of economic integration are defined, which include: status (employed, unoccupied); form of legal regulation of employment; type of employment (employee, independent professional activity, entrepreneurial activity); social status (worker, technical employee, professional/specialist, manager); form of organization of working time (full-time, part-time employment); stability of employment (permanent, temporary, seasonal); form of organization of workplaces (standard, non-standard); salary level; correspondence of work (profession) to the level of qualification (education) and professional mobility (changes in professional career). Based on the comparison of studies conducted by different organizations in different periods of time on the share of employed Ukrainian migrants in the EU countries, it is concluded that there has been progress in economic integration. At the same time, the share of employed people is small in most countries. Among the main problems hindering effective economic integration is the discrepancy between the professions in which Ukrainian migrants work and the level of their qualifications. The prerequisites for the economic integration of Ukrainian migrants into the EU labor market are defined as follows: creation of an appropriate legal framework; improvement of the EU policies and programs; bringing the professional and educational qualifications of Ukrainian citizens in line with the EU qualifications; development of language competencies; creation of conditions for doing business, remote employment.
Keywords: migration, integration of migrants, determinants of migrant integration, labor market, employment, the EU countries.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 29.
Tsymbaliuk Danylo I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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