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Application of the Theory of Change in the Greening of Business
Stretovych O. O.

Stretovych, Oleksandr O. (2024) “Application of the Theory of Change in the Greening of Business.” Business Inform 3:193–197.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article summarizes scientific approaches to the development of the theory of changes in the greening of business. The scientific and methodological approaches to understanding the basics of the theory of change have been developed. The features of the application of the theory of change in the greening of business are presented. The specifics of the development of the theory of changes in the greening of business on the example of Ukraine are revealed. It is determined that for the Ukrainian realities, the greening of business is implemented mainly in the formal plane in the context of compliance with the norms and standards of environmental development, ensuring environmental taxation, control of environmental pollution standards, which slows down the development of the component of the Ukrainian environmental business and hinders the innovative introduction of elements of the ecological paradigm in our country. The theory of change is a rigorous but necessary process by which groups and stakeholders in planning activities formulate their long-term goals and define the conditions that they believe should precede the achievement of these goals. These conditions are modeled as desired outcomes, organized graphically in a causal structure. Change theory describes the types of interventions (a single program or a coordinated initiative) that lead to the outcomes depicted in the outcome map. Each intervention is linked to an outcome in a causal system, revealing the often complex web of actions required to bring about change. Several factors have been found to make it difficult for multinational companies to take action against climate change, such as a lack of certainty about climate policy, a lack of green technologies, and a lack of return on investment. The use of green practices also remains limited in the International Health Standards (IHR) in both developed and developing countries, due to limited access to finance and skills, lack of information and knowledge about innovation, and, in some cases, poor enforcement of rules. It is determined that for a better and more effective application of the norms and provisions of the theory of changes in the greening of business, it is relevant to introduce professional courses for managers and environmental managers of companies, which will direct the professional training of management staff to the implementation of effective environmental changes in business. It is also relevant to introduce the State-based programs to stimulate the development of greening business in terms of indirect (tax incentives for businesses that implement environmental innovations) and direct incentives for the implementation of environmental changes (preferential lending for greening business).

Keywords: theory of change, business, greening, conception, implementation.

Bibl.: 8.

Stretovych Oleksandr O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Polissia National University (7 Staryi Blvd, Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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