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Diagnostics of the Personal Creativity of the Head of the Educational Institution: Definition and Readiness for Innovative Managerial Activity
Saukh Y. P., Saukh I. V.

Saukh, Yurii P., and Saukh, Iryna V. (2024) “Diagnostics of the Personal Creativity of the Head of the Educational Institution: Definition and Readiness for Innovative Managerial Activity.” Business Inform 3:117–128.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 37.01/.09

The article presents the results of the analysis of the phenomenon of creativity of managerial activity, which is objectively due to the change of the educational paradigm in the discourse of new challenges of civilization development. The authors state that in modern conditions it is important to substantiate the essential principles of the need to move to a new architectonics of economic reality, which is characterized by a change in the content and nature of managerial activity, transformation of management technologies and the very philosophy of management on the basis of recognizing the priority of the conception of creativity. Creative competence is considered as a managerial problematic issue, which is included in the top issues of scientific research in various spheres of society as generally recognized and extremely relevant. The necessity of comprehensive use of the creative potential of the individual and a holistic, fundamental, systematic, problem-based approach to the educational process is proved. The need to develop new theoretical, methodological, methodical and practical methods and approaches to activation, rational and effective use of creative and intellectual human potential as the main source, as a strategic tool for the effective use of the main productive force – people – in the post-industrial society is substantiated. The phenomenon of creative management activity is defined as an essential feature of the national economy, which reproduces specific forms of transformation of intellectual potential into dominant predictors of positive changes in socioeconomic processes of the educational system. It is stated that the theory of creative management activity and the analysis of its components have not become widespread in the educational sector due to the lack of skills and experience of creative management among the heads of educational institutions, also due to the lack of unified approaches to creative management in organizations in the educational sphere. Proving the importance of the scientific and practically-oriented problem of creativity determines the expediency of determining the criteria according to which the creative management activity of the head of an educational institution demonstrates an ability to generate sustainable competitive advantages, a high level of innovation activity. It is found that the diagnosis of creativity should be approached as a «miniature model of the creative act», while the choice of approaches to the problem of diagnosis can no longer be determined by «na?ve reflection». It is proposed, in the context of the problem field of diagnosing the creativity of the head of an educational institution, to actualize the phenomenon of «intellectual activity», as well as to apply a system of coefficients that characterize creative managerial activity.

Keywords: creativity, factors of creativity, «allocation effect», «investment theory», creativity of management activity in education, diagnostics of creativity, «intellectual activity».

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 39.

Saukh Yurii P. – Candidate of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Fundamental Disciplines, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology (1/5 Zorianyi Ln., Kyiv, 04078, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Saukh Iryna V.

List of references in article

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