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 Methods of Multi-Purpose Decision-Making on the Management of Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes Zaitseva A. S.
Zaitseva, Anna S. (2024) “Methods of Multi-Purpose Decision-Making on the Management of Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes.” Business Inform 2:63–71.
Section: Investment Processes
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Abstract: It is determined that one of the priorities in any national economy is the problem of forecasting and assessing the level of transparency of development, quality and reliability of functioning of industrial enterprises, their technological and economic subsystems. This has a direct impact on the level of investment, the nature of financing, the distribution of costs for the production of finished products with the achievement of a given quality and reliability, as well as on the financial condition and image. In addition, it has a direct proportional effect on the well-being of society and the quality of life of the population. On the other hand, investing in the real sector of the economy requires banks and other investors not only to optimize investment programs, but also to take into account the specifics of financial, production, economic and socioeconomic activities of industrial enterprises as market participants, and, accordingly, application of models that appropriately link investments with sales policies, production, management, staff, location of production facilities, taxation, etc. It is concluded that the positive level of management of transparency of development of industrial enterprises in the context of convergence of investment processes is inseparable from the processes of planning, regulation, control and forecasting of production and technological processes, as well as the allocation of resources in the process of performing certain complex tasks. Determining the optimal options for current and future development is often associated with solving large-dimensional optimization problems with a large number of different conditions and constraints (for example, requirements for the completeness of variables combined with requirements for the absence of time losses), which, due to their extreme nature, complicate the solution of such problems. Effective methods for optimizing multi-purpose investment decisions in managing the transparency of the development of industrial enterprises in the context of convergence of investment processes include methods for analyzing the usefulness of goals, criteria and alternatives, including those with several vectors; methods of hierarchy of goals, taking into account a number of advantages; information about the chosen strategy, alternatives, their parameterization, stochasticity, substitution ratios, and other characteristics. All these factors can be taken into account for the classification of models of multi-purpose and program-target solutions and the use of the most effective of them when choosing the optimal investment solution in managing the transparency of the development of industrial enterprises in the context of convergence of investment processes.
Keywords: method, management, transparency, multi-purpose solution, development, industrial enterprise, convergence, investment processes, effect, strategy, mechanism.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.
Zaitseva Anna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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Journal «The Problems of Economy»