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Imperatives of the Conception of Socially Responsible Marketing of Enterprise
Petrovskyi O. O.

Petrovskyi, Oleksandr O. (2024) “Imperatives of the Conception of Socially Responsible Marketing of Enterprise.” Business Inform 2:355–362.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.13

The article is devoted to the study of the foundations of the conception of socially responsible marketing of enterprise. It is defined that currently there are a large number of approaches to understanding the essence of socially responsible marketing, and therefore it can be considered through the prism of the general conception of marketing or from the point of view of a certain type of activity of enterprise. A study is carried out between the spheres of activity of the enterprise, among which are allocated the production activity, marketing, commodity and communication policy, marketing pricing policy and relations with partners within the terms of social responsibility, arising in this sphere. Among the specific features of the conception of socially responsible marketing, the idea of ESG, compliance, transparency and ethics of marketing behavior, etc., are highlighted. In the course of the study, it was found that along with the classical set of marketing functions, an enterprise that is aimed at perspective development, should be guided in its activities by specific functions of socially responsible marketing, which combine the following functions: regulatory, social security, and system-transformative. The author systematizes the principles of socially responsible marketing, which are an important component of the conception of its implementation. It is proved that there are direct and inverse links between the elements of socially responsible marketing, such as socially responsible climate, social receptivity of the enterprise, socially responsible policy of the enterprise, socially responsible marketing strategy and corporate sustainability. The carried out research made it possible to allocate separate zones of socially responsible marketing, to propose methods of implementation and tools of influence in each of them.

Keywords: socially responsible marketing, functions, principles, signs, conception of socially responsible marketing, constituent elements, area of responsibility.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Petrovskyi Oleksandr O. – Postgraduate Student, European University (16-V Akademіka Vernadskoho Blvd., Kyiv, 03115, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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