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A Methodical Approach to Defining a System of Objectives and Assessing the Level of Sustainable Development of Regions
Stepanova O. V., Stepanova N. S.

Stepanova, Olena V., and Stepanova, Nataliya S. (2023) “A Methodical Approach to Defining a System of Objectives and Assessing the Level of Sustainable Development of Regions.” Business Inform 5:59–66.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The relevance of the article lies in the need to conduct research on improving the scientific and methodological support for sustainable development, since sustainable development is considered the most promising ideology of the XXI century and an objective necessity for further development of society. The article is aimed at developing scientific and methodological recommendations for defining the system of objectives of the strategy of sustainable development of regions and assessing its level by using graph theory and utility theory. To achieve this aim, the following tasks are solved: an analysis of the theoretical foundations of sustainable development is carried out; the global (main) objective and sub-objectives of sustainable development of regions are defined; factors of influence and criteria – indicators of sustainable development of regions are determined; a tree of objectives (graph) of sustainable development of regions is built; a multi-criteria model of integral estimation of regional development on the basis of program-target approach, graph theory and utility theory is developed. According to the concept of Management by Objectives, as well as the objectives of sustainable development of society for the period up to 2030 and analysis of publications, the objectives of sustainable development of regions are defined. The global (main) objective of regional development is formulated as «Achieving a sustainable development of region». The assessment of the level of development of regions should be carried out in three areas, namely: economic, social and ecological. Then the sub-objectives of the global objective are: «achieving a sustainable development of the region’s economy»; «achieving a sustainable development of the social sphere of the region»; «improving the level of ecological safety of the region». The tree of sustainable development objectives of regions represents a graph, the vertices (nodes) of which are objectives, and the edges (arcs) are the connections between them. A system of criteria-indicators characterizing achievement of set objectives has been formulated. As a criterion for achieving the objective, it is proposed to use the multi-criteria utility function. The carried out analysis shows that for the integral assessment of sustainable development of regions, it is advisable to use the additive utility function, which gives a quantitative assessment of the level of development of regions. Some further research require the methods of identifying the influence of factors on achieving objectives, identifying alternatives to sustainable development of regions, the problem of improving the management of sustainable development. Additional scientific and practical interest is caused by an in-depth study of objectives, their advantages and replacement.

Keywords: sustainable development, regional development objectives, tree of objectives, additive utility function, integral indicator.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 17.

Stepanova Olena V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic Security Management, Kharkіv National University of Radioelectronics (14 Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Stepanova Nataliya S. – Student, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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