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The Mechanism of Strategic Management of the Development of Transport Enterprise
Husak O. А.

Husak, Olga А. (2023) “The Mechanism of Strategic Management of the Development of Transport Enterprise.” Business Inform 5:235–241.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.2:656.07

The article is aimed at substantiation, formation and implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise. The meaning of categories of «mechanism», «strategy of enterprise development» is disclosed. The concept of «mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise», which takes into account external changes in the market segment, necessary in conditions of uncertainty, growing rapid variability of the environment and the need for instant response, is studied in detail. The article forms, substantiates and improves the content and essence of the components of the mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise. Having studied the existing interpretations, the author of the article offers his own vision of the concept of «mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise», i. e.: as a comprehensive set of tools, methods and processes aimed at planning, developing, implementing and controlling a strategy for the development of a transport enterprise in order to achieve its goals and success in the long term. The differences in strategy formation for enterprise in general and transport enterprise in particular are considered, taking into account the specificity of the sphere of its functioning. One of the most relevant tasks of modern management is the formation of a mechanism for strategic management of the development of transport enterprise, which is able to provide an economic and social effect, the search for new, modern instruments for its implementation. It is determined that the solution of this problem depends on the timely formation of an action map for implementing the mechanism of strategic management of the enterprise’s activity. A mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise is formed by improving the extant instruments for making managerial decisions, based on internal potential (taking into account incentives and motives for enterprise development), in order to obtain economic and social effects with the possibility of feedback to adjust the strategy of the transport enterprise.

Keywords: strategy, mechanism, strategic development, transport enterprise, management of the development of transport enterprise, strategic development of transport enterprise, strategic planning, mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Husak Olga А. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Public Management and Administration, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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