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The Trends of Quality Management to Improve the Competitiveness of an Enterprise in the International Market Proskurnina N. V., Bilousko V. I.
Proskurnina, Nadiia V., and Bilousko, Valeriia I. (2023) “The Trends of Quality Management to Improve the Competitiveness of an Enterprise in the International Market.” Business Inform 5:209–214.
Section: Management and Marketing
Article is written in EnglishDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 65.018:339.9
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of quality management in improving the competitiveness of organizations in the international market and increasing profitability. A tendency towards an increase in the number of companies in the world is revealed. The article covers various trends in quality management, including Total Quality Management (TQM), Lean Six Sigma (LSS), international standardization systems and implementation of modern technologies. The authors provide an overview of each trend, its meaning, using, and benefits. There has been an increasing interest in the Universal Quality Management system as a continuation of the development of Total Quality Management which is more useful for international companies. Combining lean manufacturing and Six Sigma into a more complete Lean Six Sigma system has been considered as the one which helps to increase efficiency and decrease the number of defects. The article describes the growing interest in the international standardization system on the example of ISO 9001. The number of the ISO 9001 certificates by countries in 2020 was analyzed. The activity of Ukrainian companies in obtaining a quality certificate has been studied. Modern technologies are described, the need for improving quality control, the technologies in use and prospective cases are considered. The authors emphasize the need for organizations to adopt modern trends in the quality management system to remain competitive in the global market and obtain other advantages. The steps that organizations can follow to effectively implement the quality management trends are provided. The article highlights the importance of quality management in improving organizational performance and competitiveness in the global market. This article is relevant to managers, quality professionals and people interested in improving the quality of products and services in the international market.
Keywords: quality, quality management, Total quality management, Lean Six Sigma, ISO 9001.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.
Proskurnina Nadiia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Economics and Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Bilousko Valeriia I. – Student, Faculty of International Economics and Entrepreneurship, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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