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Planning the Enterprise Strategy by Provision of Consistency in the Levels of Competitiveness of Human Resources and Enterprises
Herashchenko І. M.

Herashchenko, Іnna M. (2023) “Planning the Enterprise Strategy by Provision of Consistency in the Levels of Competitiveness of Human Resources and Enterprises.” Business Inform 3:157–166.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 331.546

To ensure the expected effectiveness of the labor process, human resources – through the formation and development of the necessary competencies, along with employing enterprises – through the creation of favorable conditions of work and a decent pay to ensure the necessary quality of working life – should be competitive in the labor market. There are many participants in the labor market who offer the ability to work (employees), the labor consumers (employers), the labor intermediaries (recruitment agencies), the authorities that set the rules for regulating relations between these participants (the State, acting indirectly through the employment centers). Their interests, preferences, requirements and relationships are often not consistent with each other, the reason for which is the influence of many factors. As an instrumentarium for this stage of research, the method of fuzzy sets was chosen, the essence of which is that it is impossible to clearly define the quantitative parameters of the object under study, but it is possible to more accurately describe its characteristics using linguistic variables such as «good», «medium», «high», etc. The stage of implementation of the fuzzy inference method is the phasefication of the initial linguistic variable «the degree of consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market». At the next stage of the methodological approach to providing consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market, a set of standard measures is being developed to ensure mutual compliance of the requirements of employers and employees to their competitiveness, which can be used: by employers in the formation of requirements for the competencies of employees; by employees – when determining employment opportunities and assessing their own competence level; by educational institutions – when creating curricula and plans; by employment centers – when analyzing and monitoring the labor market, developing vocational training programs for the unemployed and fulfilling the employers’ applications to fill existing vacancies. The proposed methodical approach allows moving from a multi-parametric problem in conditions of different types of parameters to solving the problem using the values of the function of belonging to a fuzzy set of levels of competitiveness. The obtained results allow, on the basis of a quantitative criterion, to formulate the level of already working personnel at the enterprise and to determine for it potential competitors in the labor market from the position of attractiveness of a certain employer.

Keywords: planning, provision, consistency, strategy, enterprise, levels, competitiveness of human resources, competitiveness of enterprises.

Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 8.

Herashchenko Іnna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Logistics and Innovations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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