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The Global Dimension of Environmental Investment: Between Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels
Korobka R. V.

Korobka, Rostyslav V. (2023) “The Global Dimension of Environmental Investment: Between Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels.” Business Inform 12:144–150.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.724.24:502/504 (477)

It is determined that the conclusion in recent decades of a set of international environmental agreements related to the fight against global warming and the solution of other environmental problems on a planetary scale, forms the institutional basis for reviewing the priorities of investment activities in the field of environmental management on a global scale. The article discloses the modern global dimension of investment activity in the field of environmental management, taking into account the requirements of the world environment preserving architectonics and the challenges of transferring national economies to the model of low-carbon development. It is determined that the key feature of the modern format of global investment in the sphere of environmental management is a shift in emphasis from additional development of mineral reserves towards financial and investment support for the implementation of projects for the development of the renewable energy industry in accordance with key provisions of international environmental conventions, in particular the provisions of the New Climate Agreement. It is identified that the increase in the amount of financing for renewable energy projects in 2010–2022 was accompanied by an increase in the production of hydrocarbons, which is due to the further orientation of most developing countries to an extensive type of development, which provides for the additional involvement of fossil fuels in the economic and energy turnover. It is substantiated that the increase in investment inflows in renewable energy on a global scale is associated with the transition of national economies of a significant number of countries to the model of low-carbon development, which involves the use of a wide range of methods and tools to stimulate the processes of resource and energy saving, as well as the rejection of mineral fuels, in particular fossil solid fuels. It is determined that the positive trend in the dynamics of global financing of renewable energy is due to the growth of investments in projects to attract renewable sources for the production of various types of energy in developing countries, which are actually becoming key players in the transition to a model of low-carbon development with the support of international organizations and global climate funds.

Keywords: investment activity, investments, environmental management, renewable energy, hydrocarbons, low-carbon development, stimulation, resource saving.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Korobka Rostyslav V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Separated Subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station” (12 Lisodoslidna Str., Boiarka, Kyievo-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, 08150, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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