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Properties of the Economic Potential of Business Entities in the Paradigm of the Investment and Innovation Model of Development
Hnatkivskyi B. M.

Hnatkivskyi, Bohdan M. (2022) “Properties of the Economic Potential of Business Entities in the Paradigm of the Investment and Innovation Model of Development.” Business Inform 7:171–176.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article examines the properties of the economic potential of business entities in the paradigm of investment model of development. The following main properties of economic potential are allocated: integrity; complexity; interchangeability and alternativeness of its components; relationships and interactions of the elements of the potential; ability of the potential to perceive elements of the latest and innovative accomplishments and achievements of scientific-technological progress; flexibility; class character; powerfulness. Characteristic features of the development of the potential of enterprises as economic systems are the following: the complexity of the task and the need for their study as an integral combination of different aspects; complexity of tasks to be solved; increasing the number of relationships between different individual objects; changing dynamic situation; deficit of resources; improving the level of standardization and automation of individual elements of the production and management system and the corresponding processes in them; globalization in a competitive environment, production, cooperation; strengthening the roles of managerial factors, etc. It is noted that the existing potential of an enterprise can be used with different levels of efficiency. This is confirmed by practical calculations, when an enterprise with high potential has low profitability, while an enterprise with a low, but effectively used out potential, is provided with fairly high performance. It is determined that if the company does not fully use its potential, the growth of investment resources will not increase its efficiency. It is emphasized that at the same time the economic potential involves the realization of potential opportunities, expressed in the achievement of economic effect. The economic potential of economic entity is an integrated assessment of the potential opportunities inherent in the resource potential, and their implementation to achieve economic effect. It is underlined that the economic potential of enterprise is characterized by both the availability of resources and efficiency of their use, as some organizations with the same potential differ in efficiency, and consequently – economic potential is higher in the enterprise that uses its capabilities more efficiently. Improving the level of competitiveness of enterprises, overcoming the negative consequences and situations in the current economic development, can not be determined without assessing the real potential.

Keywords: economic potential, formation of economic potential, business entities, investment-innovation model of development.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Hnatkivskyi Bohdan M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Monetary Circulation and Credit, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79001, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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