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Ensuring the Efficiency of Sustainable Land Use of the Land Resources Management Mechanism in the Management System of Agrarian Enterprises
Poltavets A. M.

Poltavets, Anatolii M. (2022) “Ensuring the Efficiency of Sustainable Land Use of the Land Resources Management Mechanism in the Management System of Agrarian Enterprises.” Business Inform 7:142–148.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 332.33(470)

The article proposes that the most important measure to ensure the efficiency of sustainable land use of the land resource management mechanism in the management system of agrarian enterprises is to determine the transition to the principles of adaptive landscape farming, which is a system of forming land relations that provide for the rationalization and harmonization of the interaction of natural components of the landscape and the activities of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of modern agri-industrial production. It is emphasized that in connection with this, the methodology for the formation of land relations should integrate natural and landscape criteria, consisting in the adaptation of agricultural activity to the natural conditions of the territory involved in agrarian production, and the ecological-economic aspects, the contentual essence of which is the timely implementation preventive measures that restore soil and resource potential and improve the quality of agrarian ecosystems. The transformation of land relations according to the principles of adaptive landscape organization of territories means, first of all, the optimal ratio of agricultural lands. The ecological and economic purpose of agrilandscapes is to constantly increase the share of areas that stabilize the natural environment, or, in other words, forest plantations, pastures, hay-fields, while simultaneously reducing the share of ecologically degraded arable land. The efficiency of the land resource management process in the management system of agrarian enterprises depends on the mutual compliance of the internal and external conditions of the functioning of agri-industrial production. The external conditions of operation should include the factors that determine the process of formation of land resources (climate, relief, soil and plant cover, regulatory and legal support for land use, tax policy, etc.). The internal conditions of the operation of the land use mechanism include the management system of an agrarian enterprise, organizational form of enterprises, methods of technological influence, machines and mechanisms, management process, etc.

Keywords: land resources, land relations, sustainable land use, management of agrarian enterprises, land resources management, management mechanism.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Poltavets Anatolii M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Applicant, Department of Management, Business and Administration, State Biotechnological University (44 Alchevskykh Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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