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Symptoms of the Problem of Guaranteeing the Economic Security of the State in the Context of Preventing and Countering Economic Crime
Dykyi A. P.

Dykyi, Anatolii P. (2022) “Symptoms of the Problem of Guaranteeing the Economic Security of the State in the Context of Preventing and Countering Economic Crime.” Business Inform 12:6–16.

Section: Economic Theory

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UDC 358:343.37

Guaranteeing the economic security of the State is an extremely complex process that requires the involvement of a set of resources and subjects, the use of a variety of tools, and consideration of the complexity and systemic nature of the problem. In modern conditions, the economic security of the State is becoming an increasingly multifaceted concept. This is connected, first of all, with two opposite processes, which are inherent in the world socioeconomic and political system – globalization and regionalization. The development of conceptual principles and the development of an effective mechanism of the State management in the system of economic relations of the State, aimed at avoiding threats and minimizing their impact, is quite difficult to ensure the effective functioning of the national economy and its further growth. Economic security allows maintaining resistance to external and internal threats, characterizes the ability of the national economy to expand self-reproduction to meet the needs of citizens, society and the State at a certain level. Economic security is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon characterized by various essential features and forms of manifestation. Accordingly, an important component of guaranteeing the economic security of the State is the system of preventing and countering economic crime, the consequences of which characterize it as a threat to the security of the State. However, the identification of the consequences of economic crime is not enough to assess the full scale of the impact of this phenomenon, because economic crime is a phenomenon that cannot be overcome, it is only possible to regulate its level, which will guarantee the economic security of the State. The signal for the State that has the problem of guaranteeing economic security due to economic crime will be a set of symptoms. Determining the symptoms of the problem is important both at the internal level, that is, at the level of the State policy of preventing and countering economic crime, and at the external level in the context of studying foreign countries and their potential from the standpoint of establishing cooperation or countering geopolitical threats.

Keywords: symptoms, problems of guarantee, State administration, public administration, economic security of the State, economic crime.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Dykyi Anatolii P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of National Security, Public Management and Administration, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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