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Strategic Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Digital Transformation: A Scientific and Theoretical Approach
Chobitok I. O.

Chobitok, Ihor O. (2022) “Strategic Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Digital Transformation: A Scientific and Theoretical Approach.” Business Inform 12:120–126.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.378

The purpose of the article is to form a scientific and theoretical approach to the strategic management of industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation in the current turbulent conditions of economic management. The article defines that in the turbulent conditions of the present day, digital technologies are one of the main drivers of growth and technological development of the world economy, economies of countries, and industrial enterprises. The introduction of digital technologies contributes to increasing the competitiveness of various sectors of the economy, creating new business opportunities in terms of connecting to digital global value chains, the emergence of new markets and segments, as well as the accelerated introduction of new digital goods into society. The search, selection, development and adaptation of methods for shaping the strategy of an industrial enterprise in the context of digital transformation is very relevant and in demand, and digital strategy tools are the most important intangible asset of an industrial enterprise. As a result of the study, it is proved that digital transformation contributes to the development of new business models, allows to join forces to create innovation, invest, search for employees, partners, resources and markets. Digital technologies can play a key role in training employees, sharing knowledge, implementing innovative ideas, as well as in the development of socioeconomic spheres of society. An important role in the process of strategic management of industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation is played by: politics, legal norms, traditions and culture, the achieved level of economic development, the level of education, its own technological power and many other factors.

Keywords: digital transformation, strategic management of industrial enterprises, globalization trends, «breakthrough» technologies, industrial and commercial paradigm, periodization, business.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Chobitok Ihor O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Assistant, Department of Economics and Management, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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