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Economic Security Management of Insurance Services Market of Ukraine: The Theoretical Aspects and Practical Recommendations
Kobko R. V.

Kobko, Roman V. (2021) “Economic Security Management of Insurance Services Market of Ukraine: The Theoretical Aspects and Practical Recommendations.” Business Inform 8:156–162.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 8

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UDC 368:339.13

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical aspects of managing the economic security of the insurance services market of Ukraine, searching for ways to develop special practical recommendations to solve the outlined problem. In the context of transformational changes and globalization metamorphoses, the issue of ensuring a high level of economic security of the insurance services market in Ukraine is one of the priorities. The article discusses the risk factors influencing the provision of a high level of economic security of the insurance services market of Ukraine, analyzes the mechanisms for managing the economic security of the insurance services market. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of models of the State regulation of economic security of the insurance services market of the countries of the world, which helps to form the main emphasis on the state of development of the insurance services market of Ukraine. The practice of developed countries of the world indicates the inadmissibility of such a mechanism for ensuring economic balance as insurance premiums, and the need to focus on the formation of insurance reserves. Based on the practice of the developed countries of the world, it is advisable to summarize the mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of the insurance services market as a single system, monitoring of which will ensure systematic economic development, quick managerial decisions in transformational conditions and attraction of investment funds for long-term strategic planning. In addition, the article draws a parallel between ensuring a high level of economic security of the insurance services market and the development of the Ukrainian economy in the context of a rapid change in external influence factors, involving priority mechanisms for ensuring the long-term investment development of the country. The main directions of improvement of the State regulation of economic security of insurance services market are proposed.

Keywords: the State regulation, economic security, insurance, market, services, system.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 22.

Kobko Roman V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (27 Lva Landau Ave., Kharkіv, 61080, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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