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A Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Organizational Culture
Melnyk A. O.

Melnyk, Anton O. (2021) “A Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Organizational Culture.” Business Inform 6:245–250.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is concerned with substantiating a methodical approach to the assessment of organizational culture. In today’s business environment, organizational culture plays an important role in the successful work of the organization, serves as the basis for the growth and increase of its effectiveness. The article is aimed at the theoretical generalizing the methods of diagnosis, assessment and analysis of organizational culture and substantiating the methodical approach to its assessment. A theoretical generalization of the main approaches to the assessment of organizational culture was carried out and, based upon its results, it was determined that all existing approaches involve either qualitative or quantitative assessment. Taking into account the variety of approaches and the advantages of quantitative methods, it is substantiated that it is advisable to use a formalized approach (quantitative methods) to assess organizational culture. Also the main approaches to the assessment of organizational culture are systematized, with a special emphasis on quantitative methods. The goals, methods and procedures of various approaches are analyzed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of individual methods of assessment of organizational culture are described. Thus, for a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of organizational culture, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive assessment, taking into account the internal and external factors of organizational culture. As result of the study, it is generalized that the parameters of the assessment of organizational culture should include the following groups: communications (C); management (M); motivation and morality (M); work (W); adaptability (A); strategy and mission (S). As a result of the research, a methodical approach to the assessment of organizational culture was proposed, which allows determining the level of organizational culture. The advantages of the proposed approach are that it has an applied character, a high degree of formalization, is quite easy to use, takes into account both the internal and the external aspects of organizational culture.

Keywords: organizational culture, level of organizational culture, methodology, formalized approach, assessment.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Melnyk Anton O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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