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The Polarity of Influence of Factors of Globalization Transformations But-Gusaim O. H.
But-Gusaim, Oleksandr H. (2021) “The Polarity of Influence of Factors of Globalization Transformations.” Business Inform 6:21–27.
Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 338.242
Abstract: The article discloses the issue of polarity of influence of factors of globalization transformations. The research is aimed at systematizing the factors of positive and negative impact of globalization transformations on the example of Ukraine. The definition of the essence of globalization is provided and a semantic explanation of polarity is determined. Polarity as a result of the research is defined as opposing the factors of influence, in particular comparing the positive and negative impact on globalization transformations. For an objective analysis, a more detailed analysis of negative and positive factors of globalization transformations in the aspect of Ukraine is carried out. In particular, the dynamics of foreign direct investments in Ukraine, as well as their structure in terms of sectors of the national economy and the countries that make these investments, are displayed. It is emphasized that to a large extent globalization transformations in the economy are shown by the example of the activities of transnational companies that constantly create new business structures in order to rationally divide the market. The meaning of transnational corporations for the economy of Ukraine is characterized and the turnovers of the largest ten of them are determined. It is noted that the positive factors of globalization transformations include: increase in the volume of foreign direct investment and budget revenues; cultural development; acceleration of scientific and technological progress; free movement of the population in different countries; regulation of ecological and medical situation; expansion of sales markets; rationalization of resource use; improving the quality of production. The negative factors of globalization transformations include: displacement of small entrepreneurs and small businesses from the market; economic and political weakening of the country; development of the shadow economy; obstruction of national interests; complications of entering the domestic business market; reduction of labor resources that are of strategic importance for the country; excessive use of the country’s natural resources.
Keywords: polarity, globalization, transnational transformations, factors of influence.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 14.
But-Gusaim Oleksandr H. – Postgraduate Student, Department of International Management and Innovation, Institute of Economics and Management of the National University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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Journal «The Problems of Economy»