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Evaluating the Efficiency of Sales Management of the Trade Enterprise
Тimchenko O. D.

Тimchenko, Olha D. (2021) “Evaluating the Efficiency of Sales Management of the Trade Enterprise.” Business Inform 6:184–189.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.84:005.336.1

The research is aimed at substantiating the methodological principles of evaluating the efficiency of sales management of the trade enterprise. This evaluating is carried out taking into account the objects of management and compliance with the general principle of determining performance indicators. To achieve the goal set, scientific approaches to determining the essence of sales management are generalized; the directions of this activity are determined; both the local indicators and the integral indicator of evaluation of sales management efficiency at the trade enterprise are substantiated. The research was carried out using methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and comparison, as a result of which the author’s own position on the essence and features of sales is substantiated. It is noted that the peculiarities of sales are the change in the forms of value and the transition of goods belonging to the enterprise into the property of the buyer. The content of sales management is defined as an aggregate of processes of planning, analysis and change of the system of sale of goods and services. To identify the efficiency of sales management at the enterprise, it is proposed to evaluate the sales system, sales department activities, sales channels for goods and services. To this end, both the local indicators and the integral indicator are substantiated. To calculate the latter, the use of the radar method is proposed, according to which the integral indicator is determined on the basis of the calculation of the relative area of the radar built within the evaluation circle according to a set of further indicators. These indicators have a wide range of applications, in particular, can be used to study the dynamics of efficiency and identify reserves of sales development at the enterprise, analyze the completeness of the implementation of functions and compliance of the sales management system with the target objectives of the functioning and development of the trade enterprise.

Keywords: sales, efficiency, management, evaluation, trade enterprise.

Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 17.

Тimchenko Olha D. – Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkіvska Str., Kharkіv, 61051, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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