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Key Threats to Economic Security of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises Voroniuk I. V.
Voroniuk, Ievgeniia V. (2021) “Key Threats to Economic Security of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises.” Business Inform 6:145–150.
Section: Economics of Trade and Services
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 6 | Download article (pdf) - |
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Abstract: The modern stage of the development of the world economy, the level of competition and innovation-technological development significantly affect the economic security of hotel industry enterprises. Today, for the effective and secure economic development of the hotel industry, it is necessary to ensure the safety of guests, employees and others; maintain brand reputation; form an environment of safety and sufficient transparency of the information resources of the enterprise for hotel guests. Modernity constantly forms new requirements for ensuring the economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises, which is due to many aspects of the world economy. Thus, globalization trends, technical and technological development, consequences of COVID-19 coronavirus infection and other circumstances create new risks and threats. The formation of conditions for the secure development of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises is influenced by many factors. The speed of technical and technological development creates new methods of providing services, such as: distribution systems, electronic bookings, rental apartments with a list of services to choose from. As a result, constant changes in the external environment of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises become a source of risks and threats to their economic security. The novel coronavirus infection, pandemic, global lockdowns, quarantine restrictions and insufficient development of the medical sector also affected the functioning and economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises. Effective management of hotel economic security is achieved through a systematic approach to analyzing and assessing possible risks and threats to their safe development. In this process, one of the key aspects is the provision of information security as an element of economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises. Risks and threats are detected at the hotel level through a variety of means, including the collection of operational information, quality audit, risk management assessment and internal audit. Research of risks and threats to economic security helps the enterprise to avoid reducing the efficiency of its economic activity and damage to reputation. An efficient system of economic security plays an important role in the daily activities of hotel industry enterprises. The article examines and characterizes the main risks and threats to the economic security of enterprises in the temporary accommodation sector. Their impact on the level of economic security of hotel industry enterprises is analyzed. The need for systematic analysis and monitoring of risks and threats to the economic security of the enterprise is substantiated.
Keywords: economic security of hotels, risks and threats to hotel industry enterprises, analysis, substantiation.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 13.
Voroniuk Ievgeniia V. – Lecturer, Department of Entrepreneurship and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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