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The Information-Analytical Provision of Analyzing the Export-Import Potential of Enterprise
Fatyanov D. V.

Fatyanov, Daniil V. (2021) “The Information-Analytical Provision of Analyzing the Export-Import Potential of Enterprise.” Business Inform 6:107–113.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article contains theoretical and practical recommendations on analyzing the export-import potential of industrial enterprises in modern conditions; the content of the information-analytical provision for analysis of such a potential is considered. The expediency of organizing the technology of analysis of export-import potential of the enterprise (EIPE) is substantiated according to the following logic of stages: 1) description of this potential on the grounds of signs and formation of a system of indicators; 2) establishing tendencies in changing the values of indicators based on the analysis of their dynamics; 2) comparison of the achieved levels of values with planned or normative (reference), accompanied by the search and detection of reserves and diagnosis of critical situations; 3) determination of the external environmental factors influence; 4) determination of levels of development of structural components of potential on the basis of integral indicators; 5) determination of causal relationships of elemental composition of the potential; 6) determination of the internal environmental factors influence; 7) analysis of dynamics of structural changes in the export-import potential; 8) determination and analysis of reserves for the efficiency of the use of the EIPE; 9) forecasting the values of the EIPE indicators for a better understanding of the changes taking place. In the information provision of analyzing the EIPE it is recommended to include partial and integral indicators that form a hierarchical system of indicators to describe this potential; criteria to determine the degree of achievement of the goal of functioning and development; references of the indicators that allow comparing and carrying out an analysis. The system of signs of the export-import potential in general should be presented as complex and elementary features, namely: signs of structural components of the potential; signs of mechanisms for implementing the potential; signs of processes belonging to the potential; signs of the external environment factors influence on the potential; signs of the internal environment factors influence on the potential. A list of the main analytical tasks in the analysis of export-import potential together with methods of their solution is proposed. Such information and analytical provision represents a scientific basis and has practical significance in the management of the EIPE.

Keywords: information-analytical provision, export-import potential of industrial enterprises, hierarchical system of indicators.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 20.

Fatyanov Daniil V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Higher Mathematics and Economic and Mathematical Methods, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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