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Displaying the R-Assessment of the Enterprise’s Level of Financial Condition on the Verbal-Numerical Scale
Tyzhnenko A. G.

Tyzhnenko, Alexander G. (2021) “Displaying the R-Assessment of the Enterprise’s Level of Financial Condition on the Verbal-Numerical Scale.” Business Inform 6:100–107.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.43 (075.8)

The publication considers the features of construction of the so-called «Harrington’s scale», which is widely used for economic research in Ukraine. It is demonstrated that the scale proposed by Harrington cannot be applied for arbitrary economic indicators. For the purposes of this study, an analysis of the applicability of the Harrington’s function for specific economic studies is carried out and it is shown that the «Harrington’s scale» cannot be applied to economic indicators, the increase in the value of which indicates an increase in the «quality» of the functioning of enterprise, for example, such as the «economic potential of the enterprise» or the enterprise’s «level of financial condition» (the latter requires the construction of a verbal scale according to the new probabilistic principle which is considered in this article). The indicator of «level of financial condition» is chosen because, as a rule, the current monitoring of the financial condition of enterprise is to be carried out automatically, by means of the appropriate tools, based on the multi-criteria methods for assessing the level of financial condition. One of these methods is the method of R-assessment of the financial condition of enterprise according to the Sayfullin – Kadykov model, which takes into account five criteria and puts them in line with the R-assessment. The article considers the main provisions of Harrington’s work in order to provide the possibility of correct use of the Harrington’s desirability function for the qualitative assessment of economic indicators, including complex and integral indicators that are used to monitor the financial condition of enterprise. The article proposes another function in place of desirability function, namely the function of distribution of the indicator under research, whether theoretical or empirical. In addition, the limit values that separate the different values of the linguistic variable at the base interval are proposed to be determined according to the statistics of the group of companies to which the enterprise under research belongs, or can be included according to the criterion of homogeneity with any enterprise of the researched group. An example of constructing the correct qualitative scale for a normally distributed variable of «level of financial condition of the enterprise» at the probabilistic level is provided. Attention is drawn to the fact that the boundary values of the qualitative scale significantly depend on the law of distribution of the variable under research.

Keywords: Harrington’s scale, desirability function, function of distribution of indicator, method of R-assessment of the financial condition of enterprise.

Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 10. Bibl.: 15.

Tyzhnenko Alexander G. – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics and Economic and Mathematical Methods, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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