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 Strategic Priorities of the Institutional Support of Agrarian Economy of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processes Balian A. V.
Balian, Anush V. (2021) “Strategic Priorities of the Institutional Support of Agrarian Economy of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration Processes.” Business Inform 3:63–69.
Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Article is written in Ukrainian Downloads/views: 5 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 338.432(477):339.923:061.1
Abstract: The article defines that recently, under the influence of global processes, pandemic and volatility of international agri-food markets, the high dynamics of transformations in the world economy has been generating more and more risks for domestic producers and requires effective decision-making in the legislative and regulatory field at the State level. Thus, formation and implementation of strategic priorities of institutional support for the agrarian economy of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes remains an actual problem. The article is aimed at substantiating the strategic priorities of developing the institutions of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in the context of changes in the global environment and under the influence of European integration processes. In order to achieve the aim, analysis of modern problems of institutional support of the agrarian sphere of the national economy of Ukraine in the context of European integration processes is carried out. It is noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the implementation of the tasks of the structural units of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences as a scientific institution to provide innovative support for the development of the industry. Emphasis is placed on the chronic underfunding of research and development at the State level, which inhibits the effectiveness of innovative providers in the agricultural sector. The main directions of further development of agribusiness in order to ensure the competitiveness of domestic products in agri-food markets and ensure food security of the country are identified. Emphasis is placed on the intensification of significant export potential, in particular organic production, the volume of supplies to world markets is growing. However, it is proved that the effectiveness of the implemented strategies for scientific support of the agricultural sector requires proper funding, responsible attitude and vision of the economic perspective behind it. In order to intensify the innovative model of scientific activity in the agrarian sphere and in the context of integration into the European Open Scientific Space, the first intermediate results of the activities of the State-owned institutions of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences are determined.
Keywords: strategic priorities, innovative providers, agrarian business, food security, institutional support, scientific approaches.
Bibl.: 16.
Balian Anush V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Academician of NAS of Ukraine, President, The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (9 Mykhaila Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine) Email:
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