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Smart Specialization of European Regions – Leaders in the Sphere of Innovation: Systematizing the Approaches
Shvets N. V.

Shvets, Nataliia V. (2021) “Smart Specialization of European Regions – Leaders in the Sphere of Innovation: Systematizing the Approaches.” Business Inform 3:29–37.

Section: Foreign Experience

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UDC 332.142:332.146(4-01)

The article is aimed at analyzing and systematizing the approaches to determining the smart priorities of the regions of the European Union, which are leaders in innovative development, to develop recommendations for improving the process of formation of regional strategies for smart specialization in Ukraine. Smart priorities of the top 10 innovatively active regions of the EU according to the Regional Innovation Board were studied using the information provided by the European platform for smart specialization. Certain methodological problems and limitations for the analysis of regional smart specializations related to certain changes in the NUTS classification and different periods of adoption of regional strategies are identified. It is noted that smart priorities in many regions are based on the innovative development of traditional types of economic activity. It is displayed that the processing industry is most involved in the formation of regional smart specializations, also widely involved are the sectors of scientific-technical activities, information and telecommunications, transportation, and education. It is defined that a large proportion of priorities are of complex nature. This is connected with the cross-sectoral cooperation, as well as the use of horizontal-type instruments (digitalization, increasing the value of knowledge, spread of advanced technologies, focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals, social innovations). It is emphasized that the leading regions most often choose digital transformation, sustainable innovations and KETs for the goals of their smart specialization policies. The strategy of smart specialization of the Western Netherlands, which is the result of the collaboration of a number of research institutions, public and private companies and local authorities, is considered. It is concluded that when determining the priorities of Ukrainian regions, it is necessary to focus on the fore-mentioned EU goals and deepen the analysis of scientific-technological specializations of territories, as well as to formalize the role of science and education in regional strategies of smart specialization.

Keywords: region, innovative development, smart specialization, smart priorities.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Shvets Nataliia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (17 Ioanna Pavla II Str., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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